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FrontLines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner –

Now may the Lord of peace himself grant you his peace [the peace of his kingdom] at all times and in all ways—under all circumstances and conditions, whatever comes. II Thessalonians 3:16 (Amplified)

Spaghetti feed raises funds
The Boise, Ida., corps held its 19th annual spaghetti feed, raising $10,664 for the Marian Pritchett School for pregnant or parenting teens, and the onsite daycare center, reports Boise Corps Officer and Treasure Valley Coordinator Captain John Stennett. According to Treasure Valley Development Director Janea Walker, two volunteers were both born at Booth in the 1930s. “They were so happy to come back to Boise and give back to the school,” she stated.

One million pound club
The San Francisco Food Bank recently recognized the AAYBC (Asian American Yerba Buena Corps) for its achievement in distributing 1,000,000 pounds of free groceries to low-income San Franciscans. Majors Fred and Debora Wong are corps officers. Congratulations!

Centennial keeps busy
The Centennial, Colo., corps, played host to a number of training programs: Grand Master Karen Herdman taught a basic self-defense class for beginners of all ages and Mike Gelski, Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) director for metro Denver instructed participants in proper food handling techniques and the basics of EDS for volunteers. In addition, the corps’ garden harvest included a bumper crop of beans, lettuce, tomatoes, herbs, collard greens, zucchini, cantaloupe, carrots and cucumbers; approximately 240 families received food from the garden. Captains John and Judy Bennett are corps officers.

Special day for veterans
Salvationists from the Reno, Nev., corps, who visit residents at the Veterans Affairs nursing home each month, decided something special was in order for the Labor Day holiday. Nearly 100 veterans and family members were treated to grilled hot dogs, watermelon, chips, dessert and drinks by Majors Doug and Janice Williams, Mrs. Chaplain Connie Furlong and ARP beneficiaries. Meals were delivered to those who couldn’t get to the dining room.

Alaska women committed to caring
The Alaska Division’s Women’s Ministry project this year is to sponsor the Family Wellness Warriors Initiative, a faith-based program offered in partnership with Southcentral Foundation. Major Sheryl Tollerud, divisional director of Women’s Ministries shares, “In Alaska, where the rates of suicide, rape and substance abuse are among our nation’s highest, The Salvation Army is committed to doing our part to bring healing to the hurting and hopeless.” The classes will initially be offered at The Salvation Army’s Clitheroe Center, with the hope of expanding to other areas of the division in the future.

Do you have news?
Let the West know about soldier enrollments, youth or adult programs, and other events at your corps, ARC, or units! Send brief news stories (50-75 words) to: New.Frontier@usw.salvationarmy.org.

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