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frontLines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner –

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 (NIV)

Medical equipment on loan
The Vail, Colo., Salvation Army Service Extension Unit provides care in an incredibly practical way: loaning durable medical goods to anyone in need. That includes items like wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, and shower bars. According to Salvation Army volunteer Mary Jo Froberg, local doctor’s offices, occupational therapists, senior centers and hospital all use the program for patients. Those needing the equipment include skiers in need of crutches after a ski accident, visitors needing a wheelchair for a few days, or locals who can’t afford the cost of the equipment.

Opina receives award
Salvationist Richard Opina, bandmaster at San Diego Citadel Corps, Calif., was named Teacher of the Year at his site at Bell Middle School. Opina is a music teacher and offers instruction for band, orchestra, and choir. In addition, he has been serving as Sierra Del Mar’s temporary divisional music director. He is also featured as the THQ music department’s worship leader this month.

Happy birthday, Major!
Major Rusty Tomlinson, who spent the majority of her over 30 years of service in Africa, was feted on her 93rd birthday by Portland, Ore.,Tabernaclers and other friends at her rehab residence with a shower of cards, a serenade of Salvation Army choruses and candle laden cake which she quickly extinguished from her wheelchair. She received a plant from General Eva Burrows, with whom she served in Africa at the Howard Institute, and flowers from other friends.

West’s new blog
Visit www.salvationarmy.usawest.org/expectchange for a new online experience with The Salvation Army. ExpectChange, is the West’s new blog, featuring stories, links and anecdotes about the programs, history and ministry of the Army; Territorial Public Affairs and Communications Manager Kathy Lovin is editor. Stop by and subscribe to the blog feed or sign up to receive email updates.

Letters from the General
Soldiers are encouraged to sign up for General Shaw Clifton’s pastoral letters—just go to the General’s website: www.salvationarmy.org/thegeneral. Or, send your email address to IHQ-Website@salvationarmy.org or by mail to Communications Section, The Salvation Army IHQ, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4EH, United Kingdom. An audio recording of the 12th letter, read by the General himself, can be found on his website. It is available in a streaming format and also as an mp3 file that can be downloaded and played on a computer or a digital audio player.

New appointments
Majors Benton and JoAnn Markham have been appointed associate officers, Ray & Joan KROC Center – Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, effective March 1, 2009.

Captain Patricia Poochigian has been appointed associate corps officer – San Diego Citadel, effective February 14, 2009.

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