Frontlines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner –

My help and glory are in God—granite-strength and safe-harbor God—so trust him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for him. God is a safe place to be. Psalm 62:8 (The Message)

In from the cold in Pueblo
“We have a new cold weather shelter at our building, and since mid-December have housed an average of 14 men each night,” reports Pueblo, Colo., Corps Officer Captain Harold Laubach, Jr. “With our recently donated canteen truck (from the Colorado Springs Corps) we were able to serve more than 80 firefighters and police officers with food, drinks and cleaning supplies while they removed survivors from the rubble of the buildings at the Branch Inn explosion.” The corps has started music classes in a partnership with two local schools as well as new youth activities including Sunbeams and Adventure Corps.

Modesto reaches out
In Modesto, Calif., six new soldiers have been enrolled, and the corps did a “clean and sober” New Year’s Eve party with 81 men and women in attendance. Major Darin Carpenter, Stanislaus County Coordinator, adds that they have just started a worship service for the homeless every Friday afternoon, and weekly Bible studies for the homeless are slated to begin soon. In February they will start an aggressive Sunday school enlargement program.

Helping Handbags helps others
The Sacramento, Calif., Women’s Auxiliary recently raised over $27,000 at their fourth annual Helping Handbags lunch. Proceeds from the auction of donated new designer bags and gently used handbags donated by local celebrities assist Salvation Army programs including Little Lambs Learning Center, the women’s shelter, the Ray Robinson Oak Park Community Center, and the Sacramento Citadel Corps. Local dignitaries included Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo and Joyce Raley Teel, owner of Raley’s Supermarket chain; Carole Walte is Auxiliary president.

Boot Camp set for 2010
The Western Youth Leadership Conference, better known as “Boot Camp” will be held January 25-29, 2010 at the Mt. Hermon conference center in northern California. Contact your divisional youth secretary for additional details.

Posillico to Lt. Colonel
Effective February 1, 2009, Golden State Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries and Women’s Ministries Secretary Major Shawn Posillico will be promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel.

Happy Anniversary
Robert and Eva Garfat, soldiers of the Hayward, Calif. Corps, recently celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Congratulations!

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