Frontlines – News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner – 

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.
(I Corinthians 2:9 – NIV)

SF is all about youth
The Salvation Army’s Family Services Department in San Francisco held its fifth annual Wee Ones Wonder Fair. The event—a pre-school Easter information fair and giveaway for low-income families—involved 26 agencies including: Alcoholic Anonymous, Bay Area Legal Aid, Children’s Council of San Francisco, Dept. of Child Support Services, Mission Head Start and Univ. of the Pacific School of Dentistry—Pediatric Dental Clinic. Three hundred eighty-three families and 544 children were served.

Lodi celebrates recovery
Major Frank Severs, corps officer, reports the Lodi, Calif., Corps’ Celebrate Recovery hosted a special event with former San Francisco 49er Super Bowl winner Bubba Paris as the speaker. Lodi Mayor John Beckman handed out long-term sobriety awards, which ranged from eight to 18 years.

About 400 people from the community attended this evening, which included a free barbeque served by soldiers and adherents. Over 25 responded to the altar call desiring salvation and more spiritual growth.

Northwest knows!
“We know that Jesus loves us” was brought to life thematically by Captain Rob Reardon’s (DYS) exposition, and Carl Darby’s (Adult Christian Education & Divisional Music Director) composition to words penned by Major Brenda Oakley (UK Territory). Its reality was evident in all that took place at the annual Northwest Division Singing Company Recital & Leader Training at the Yakima, Wash., Corps, with over 220 in attendance. Seven singing companies shared two songs, rehearsals, games, and a ministry celebration. Bellingham will represent the NW at Kids Live ‘05.

Cordova’s edible ice worm
The Cordova, Alaska Outpost-sponsored Awana ministry won first place in the float division of the 2005 Iceworm Parade. Their theme was My Awesome God in Cordova. The Cordova Women’s Ministry made an edible ice worm that was 96 feet long and consisted of 1008 cupcakes. After the parade, the cupcakes were given to all who attended. This is the second year the women have made this popular iceworm.

SW still supports tsunami victims
The Southwest Division received $15,000 to aid in its tsunami relief efforts from America West Airlines and Thunderbirds Charities through its Birdies for Charity (BFC) Corporate Partners Program. The division has raised a total of $937,738 to assist in relief and recovery efforts in Sri Lanka.

Don Mowery, Jr., director for the Southern California’s Camps Mountain Crags and Gilmore, reports a staff reunion will be held on June 18, 2005, for all those who have worked at the camps during the past years.

For more information, go to the camp website:

Registrations may also be made at the website. Watch for a feature on the camps in an upcoming issue of New Frontier.

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