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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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By Bob Bearchell

New Frontier, after 13 years at the familiar office by the stairs in the College for Officer Training building, has now relocated in the former Conference Center. Midst all the confusion and inconvenience of moving, issues come out in their usual timely fashion. Drop by and say hello to our editorial team when you are at THQ!

“His House,”
located in the unincorporated area between Carson and Harbor Gateway, Calif., under the supervision of Captains Doug and Sherryl Tollerud, Torrance Corps, serves 135,000 people each year, providing clothes, food and other services to needy families. Recently, burglars broke in and removed two printers, a copier and two computers, which volunteers used to teach English.

When the story about the loss to The Salvation Army’s center appeared in the local newspaper, Director Dave Risher says an unnamed person dropped in with a donation of $10,000. Others have given checks, some for $100. “This just blew us off our feet,” says Dave. “We will replace everything that was broken or stolen.”

With equipment replaced, the rest will go to assist the Army in this community of tremendous need.

This year’s Honolulu ARC/Women’s Auxiliary Fashion Show received excellent print coverage with several articles running before the event, report Captains Stephen and Jeanine Hartt, Honolulu ARC. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin also featured the event on the WEB for an entire weekend. KITV co-anchor Pamela Young joined First Mayor Lady Ramona Harris, broadcasters Linda Jameson, Malia Mattoch, Heidi Umbhau.

The auctioneer’s gavel struck at the Richmond, Calif., Corps’ annual Harvest Festival Auction. Businesses and individuals once again donated a vast array of goods and services to be sold to the highest bidder. Lieutenants Gordon and Roberta Myers, corps officers, report that donations ranged from tickets to an Oakland Athletics baseball game; introductory flying lessons; music lessons; a ’49ers shirt, an original painting, Marine World tickets, and many thematic gift baskets put together by groups within the corps. Congratulations to all who assisted in this event.

Captains Ray and Robin Yant,
corps officers, report that Mac Martin and Doris Arbuckle were recently honored as Chico’s “Seniors of the Year.” Doris Arbuckle is a lifetime member of the Advisory Board and holds the position of secretary. Mac cooks the entire annual Christmas Dinner for the needy and volunteers in numerous other Army ministries throughout the year. His wife, Edith, plays the piano at Sunday services. How grateful we are to the Martins and Doris Arbuckle for their commitment of service to the Army.

Olympic Gold Medal Winner Tisha Venturini paid a visit to the Modesto Citadel’s Sunday school rally recently, where she presented ribbons and medals to winners of the summer contest. Venturini, who was the first woman to score a goal in soccer, and led her team on to the gold medal, inspired the children with stories about her training and preparation for the Olympics, according to Corps Officers Captains Joe and Shawn Posillico.

The Long Beach Temple Corps’ Band (Randall Silvers, bandmaster; Majors James and [Dr.] Sallyann Hood, corps officers), performed for the regional meeting of the Submarine Veterans of World War II on the Queen Mary recently. There were 450 members in attendance. To a standing ovation, Silvers led the band in a march which he had composed by request of the association. Entitled “Silent Service,” it will be performed again at the band’s annual concert November 9 at the Long Beach Corps.

The Metro Denver Emergency Disaster Services team under the leadership of Mike Gelski was recognized by the Denver Police Department for their support in the search for a missing child in Denver City Park. The preschool child was later found drowned in the park’s lake. During the several days’ search, volunteers and rescue units were provided meals and encouragement by the Army’s dedicated disaster response personnel.

Mary Thurman, of Santa Rosa, Calif.,
at age 90, remains a driving force for good with The Salvation Army. When she moved to the Silvercrest in 1986, she was asked to create the Sonoma County Human Services Division, a family-services program to help the people through all manner of personal crises. She promptly began using her knowledge and contacts to find help for families that had no food, shelter, or clothing or that were otherwise in despair. Since hitting 90 she’s cut back a bit, working half time running an Army-administered program that provides emergency funds to pay utility bills for people who can’t afford it. Lieutenants Jim and Catherine Boyd, Santa Rosa corps officers, and countless others in this community, have been blessed by her service.

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