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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner“Comrades, whatever other gifts you have, if you are to succeed, you must have hearts and minds that can feel.”

Salvation Soldiery
William Booth


The Great Falls, Montana Corps recently recognized volunteers for their generous gift of service to the Army: Charlie Hardin ­Volunteer of the Year, for her dedication and commitment to the Women’s Auxiliary and the many hours she devotes to this organization; Judy and Trudy Stimac ­Community Volunteers of the Year, for the countless volunteer hours they devote to the community through their involvement with Meals on Wheels, Girl Scouts, Christian Service Commission, 4-H, to name a few; Malmstrom Air Force Base ­The “Others Award” for outstanding volunteer service. The men, women, and children of Malmstrom Air Force Base garnered over 15,000 hours of volunteer time to the community this past year.


The National Postal Mail Handlers Union, Local 315, of Oregon, gave The Salvation Army Cascade Division their “Citizen of the Year” award for The Salvation Army’s work in the aftermath of the September 11, 2002 terrorist attacks. Major Barbara Blix, who was the speaker at the banquet, accepted the award on behalf of the division.


Organizers of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Commemoration asked local Salvationists to wear Doughnut Girl uniforms for the annual April 18, 2002 anniversary of the fire and earthquake. “Actually, the famous Salvation Army Doughnut Girls didn’t come into existence until World War I, but people love the concept,” said Joyce Storey, San Francisco director of emergency services and program coordinator. “After the earthquake, one of The Salvation Army’s major contributions was to meet refugees swarming out of San Francisco and take them to its Beulah Park relief camp in Oakland. Salvationists served as cooks, dining room and kitchen help, and served thousands of meals.”


A Salvation Army canteen responded to the “Snaking Fire” near Bailey, Colorado, with 17 Denver and Conifer Salvation Army volunteers assisting in serving 102 firefighters.


Professional racer Justin Clayton, 19, recently participated in “The 24 Hours of Moroso” endurance race for charity, raising more than $2,600 for The Salvation Army Los Angeles Red Shield.

“I am impressed with his deep desire to do something that would benefit a program that meets the needs of kids,” said Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Alfred Van Cleef.

Located in Pico-Union, near downtown Los Angeles, the Red Shield serves more than 4,000 children and their parents. Irene De Anda Lewis is executive director.


National leaders Commissioners John and Elsie Busby, with the support of divisional leaders Lt. Colonels Donald and Jan Mowery, celebrated Easter services in Las Vegas, Nev. The day began with a sunrise service and breakfast at the ARP, under the leadership of Majors Romolo and Georgann Guidice, followed by worship services held at the Las Vegas Corps, under the leadership of Corps Officer Major Leslie Brooks and County Coordinators Lt. Colonels Jim and Maud Sullivan.


Place your name or a friend’s on the Crestmont College Tile Wall of Honor. Each 6″ by 6″ engraved tile is mounted along the college’s chapel walkway.

“This is a lasting remembrance to connect you or your loved ones to the center of education for the entire Western Territory,” said Olivia Yates, director of institutional advancement. For more information, call 310-265-6140.

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