Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner“Genuine holiness will find its expression in unrewarded service to the last, the least and the lost.”

The Splendour of Holiness
Frederick Coutts, General

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–which is your spiritual worship.” Romans 12:1

Holiness and service are hallmarks of Salvationists–read on for examples of ministry throughout the Western Territory.


The Murrieta Corps recently held a special night with the Lake Elsinore Storm–class A affiliate of the San Diego Padres–in which the band played the national anthem and Envoy John Jones threw out the ceremonial first pitch. In addition, non-perishable food and financial gifts were collected to help serve the needy and homeless in Southwest Riverside County.

“We assist 25 families in Southwest Riverside County. The visibility, plus the food and financial collection, helped spread the word of our work with the local underprivileged and homeless throughout the year,” said Jones.


This season, the Los Angeles Sparks moved into a home ­ STAPLES CENTER. Since then, they have been meeting their new neighbors. With balls in hand and t-shirts in tow, Rhonda Mapp, Tamecka Dixon, Mwadi Mabika and Ukari Figgs stopped by The Salvation Army Los Angeles Red Shield Youth and Community Center to greet 130 of their next door neighbors and host a basketball clinic.

Sponsored by NIKE, the Sparks’ “Be Active” clinic focused on fundamentals like stretching and warm up, agility, nutrition, upper body strength and abdominals. The Sparks recently won their first WNBA championship title.


Firefighters from across the nation came to Yakima, WA, to honor the four forest service personnel who died in a forest fire that blazed out of control near Twisp, WA. A processional and memorial service was held at the Yakima County Sun Dome, attended by over 2,500 fire personnel. At the staging area, the Yakima Corps, under the leadership of Majors David and Deanna Sholin, corps officers, assembled a crew of 15 corps volunteers to provide meals to the participants.

One hundred fifty breakfasts, 520 sack lunches, and 400 extra sandwiches were given out at the Sun Dome–along with plenty of coffee, bottled water and bottled juice. Donations were provided by Tree Top, Inc., the Yakima Fred Meyer Store, and the U.S. Forest Service.


Nevada Power, in partnership with The Salvation Army, will be giving $5 million in energy assistance through the Low Income Financing Together (LIFT) program. Since the program’s inception in 1985, LIFT has distributed $1.2 million to approximately 10,000 low-income individuals and families in Nevada.

Funding comes from customer donations, which are matched dollar-for-dollar by Nevada Power. The Army will administer the program and give $2.2 million over two years to Nevada Power customers who are most in need, reports Clark County Coordinator Lt. Colonel Jim Sullivan.


Major DeLois Webb, Santa Fe, NM, corps officer, has earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Ottawa University, reports Captain Brian Saunders, director of Continuing Education and coordinator of Off-Site Studies.


Lt. Colonel Gladys Bodine recently had surgery for a malignant melanoma which reappeared on her right leg. Cards and messages of support may be sent to her at: 1258 Lindsay St., Chula Vista, CA 91913 or e-mail:

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Cover photo Thank you for including Captain Joe Thompson as your cover

He has a right!

He has a right!

No, this isn’t about abortion or any of those deep moral issues that

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