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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann WarnerThe Army’s compassionate ministry has been needed greatly around the world in recent weeks. That ministry has been needed in the West as well…


The worst flooding since the early ’90s hit Majuro, The Marshall Islands, caused by a combination of high tides, strong ocean currents and winds up to 40 knots. Rocks pounded the walls of many houses, breaking through concrete walls and pushing in plywood walls. The local Salvation Army responded, and housed 53 people in their shelter. They also provided meals on a limited budget.


A plane carrying Oklahoma State Univ. basketball players, staff and broadcasters crashed near Denver, Colo., recently, killing all 10 passengers.

At the request of the Adams County Sheriff, Salvation Army emergency disaster services immediately dispatched a mobile canteen to the crash site, where staff worked around the clock through late the next night. Throughout the weekend, SA officers, staff and volunteers provided hot meals, beverages, and emotional support as needed.


Cross Cultural Ministries Director Geir Engøy reports an error has crept into Daniel Diakanwa’s recently published book: The Key to Inter-Cultural Ministries, which was distributed to every officer in the Western Territory.

“There is a terrible mistake on the prejudice level test on page 45,” he said. According to Engøy, the error is in #17. The correct answer is: A = 0; B = 4; C = 2. It is not: A = 4; B = 0. “Please take note and correct this mistake,”said Engøy.



In the January 13, 2001 issue of Salvationist, editors sought information regarding the above photo. This is what we have discovered: In 1931, before he moved to the U.S., Albert Einstein was a visiting professor at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif. That same year, he served as honored guest of the Tournament of Roses parade. At that time, the Los Angeles Citadel Band (now Pasadena Tabernacle Band), represented the Army in the Parade as a single unit. As Albert Einstein was walking to his vehicle at the start of the parade, he was spotted by Army bandsmen who asked him to stand among them for a picture.

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