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News briefs of the West

by Sue Schumann Warner – 

This is how much God loved the world: he gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.
John 3:16 (The Message)

Tucson Temple adds to roles
Major Peter Clack, Tucson Temple corps officer, recently enrolled two senior soldiers: Sandra (Sandy) Drechsler and Willard Emerson. CSM Tim Popp and David Landsbry were flag bearers. Sandra had previously been a soldier in the Eastern Territory; Willard is a former Salvationist who became a Nazarene minister, and has returned to the Army in his retirement.

Danielson to ICO
Major Douglas Danielson, will be attending the International College for Officers (ICO) session 191 from October 11-December 4, 2006. Danielson serves as divisional commander for the Capital Division, Mexico City, Mexico.

Noland garners jury award
Unsung, directed by Guy Noland, received the Special Jury Award—Documentary at the Action/Cut Film Festival. The documentary highlights the history and charity work of The Salvation Army and its critical services during the tragic times at ground zero after 9/11. Noland is the son of Commissioners Joe and Doris Noland.

Reno free medical clinic helps community
The Reno. Nev., corps and the University of Nevada School of Medicine provide a much-needed free medical clinic for the community’s medically underserved population. University medical students obtain “hands-on” experience under the supervision of at least one licensed physician, and the Army provides the facility. Clinics are held twice monthly from September through May, and once a month during the summer. Available services include complete physical exams, vision exams, medication samples and prescriptions; patients are seen on a first-come, first-served basis and no insurance is necessary.

Army assists after Kentucky air crash
The Salvation Army was on site after the Lexington, Kentucky crash of Comair Flight 5191, giving emotional and spiritual support to families of the victims. Support was also given to relief workers, as officers and volunteers served meals from two Army canteens.

Denver Red Shield kicks off season
The Denver Red Shield Disciples football program kicked off its fifth season with the PAL/Bronco Youth Football weigh-ins. A/Captain Ron McKinney reports that they have won the Senior Division Superbowl twice, PeeWee Superbowl once, intermediate Superbowl three years in a row, and the Bantam Division once. For the first time ever, in 2003, the Senior Division team played in the National Pigskin Classic in Las Vegas and brought home the national title to Colorado.

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