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News briefs of the West

by Sue Schumann Warner – 

Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble. That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—that’s your job, to bless. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing.
(1 Peter 3:8-9, The Message)

Hawaii: Pele Award for PSA

The Salvation Army was recently awarded a Pele Award of Merit by the American Advertising Federation for its outstanding 30-second public service announcement (PSA) titled “Bernie’s Story.” The Pele Awards, the Hawaii version of the international Clio awards, is a creative competition designed to recognize the best advertising and design work created in the Hawaii market. “Bernie’s Story” is about Women’s Way graduate Bernie Koizumi, who founded a successful company that employs people in drug rehab by giving them a “second” chance to stay drug-free and remain focused on their recovery. Congratulations!

Ebony features Gaither

National Commander Commissioner Israel Gaither was featured in a stand-alone story in the September 2006 Ebony magazine highlighting prominent African-American leaders. The piece conveys several key messages about the Army, specifically about the breadth and depth of the Army’s services to all those in need without discrimination.

Doughnut recipe on Food Network

To see a feature on The Salvation Army doughnut—and get the recipe—go to: Then, select webisode #2. View the video to see an interview with a Salvation Army “lassie” and then click on the recipe card…and enjoy making the doughnuts for yourself. Special thanks to our friends at Northwest DHQ!

So. Cal. hosts 5K trail run, walk

Approximately 100 runners and walkers—sometimes entire families—participated in the second 5K Trail Run and Nature Walk held at Camp Mt. Crags and Camp Gilmore in the Santa Monica Mountains, near Los Angeles. With the theme, “Summer for my life,” the event raised $3,000 to send kids to camp. Sponsors included MSP Development Group and United Parcel Service. Farmers Market, Caruso Affiliated, Mail Manager, Shasta Beverages, and Malibu Creek State Park also assisted in the event’s success.

Monterey presents seminar on the hazards of the internet

On September 22 the Monterey Peninsula Corps will host a speaker from a Silicon Valley tech company, Blue Coat Technologies, to talk about the hazards of home internet access and ways parents can keep kids away from pornography, online solicitation, hate sites, etc. To this end, the company offers a free web filtering software, K9 (

CNN will film the presentation for inclusion in the film Traffic Control, a documentary about the ill effects of pornography on society. Clips are available to preview from the movie’s website (

Promoted to Glory

Promoted to Glory

Promoted to Glory Winston Howard Winston S

Reflection of a former athiest

Reflection of a former athiest

In Process by Glen Doss, Major –  “For since the creation of the world

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