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front lines_News briefs of the West

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Karen Gleason, Editor

We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19 NIV).

TULARE, CALIF.—At The Salvation Army’s second annual Tulare County Fair Food Drive on Sept. 12, Captains Adrian and Vivianna Viquez (Visalia) and Captains Harold and Maggie Laubach (Tulare) led more than 60 volunteers in collecting 20 pallets—15,952 lbs.—of food in 11 hours. Volunteers included advisory board and church members, Salvation Army youth groups, Young Marines, Key Clubs and National Guard Cadet Corps.

Fair goers who donated five cans of food received free admission to the event. The canned goods will be split between Tulare County’s FoodLink and The Salvation Army.

HEMET, CALIF. — Members of the Hemet City Firefighters Association (HFFA), Local 2343, donated $500 to the Hemet Corps to purchase food for children in need. The firefighters also helped deliver the food to local schools.

HFFA President Steve Sandefer urged community members to contribute to the cause as well.

Lts. Anthony and Tammy Poe are the corps officers.

BUTTE, MONT.—The Salvation Army’s Dress a Child event provided 103 children with school supplies and clothing. The event was funded, in part, through a grant from the United Way of Butte and Anaconda.

The program had more applications than it had money for.

The Salvation Army has a family store in Butte, and maintains social and emergency services for residents of Butte and Silver Bow County.

WRANGELL, ALASKA—Home League members made gifts to welcome teachers back to school. The group filled glass cups with pencils, erasers, glue sticks and candy. They wrapped each cup in a piece of fabric and tied a ribbon around it. The Home League made 10 cups, which Corps Officers Ronnie and Debra Davis delivered during open house at the elementary school.

SUISUN CITY, CALIF.—In conjunction with National Back to Church Sunday, the Kroc Center Corps held Worship at the Waterfront on Sept. 15.

“So often we hear from people when they are invited to church, that walking through the doors of a church is just too hard,” said Capt. Jonathan Harvey, corps officer with his wife, Vickie. “Some people think their life is so un-Christlike that the walls will cave in if they go to church.”

Along with traditional elements, the service included a special Zumba session.

LAS VEGAS—The Salvation Army received an anonymous donation of $10,000 for its food pantry on Sept. 11, allowing it to remain open. On Sept. 10, the Army had called for the community’s help to keep the pantry operating.

With the money, the Army purchased seven pallets of food from Three Square Food Bank, which donated another 11 pallets.

The food pantry helps about 200 families every day, according to spokesperson Leslee Rogers.

The food should last a couple of weeks, but the Army still needs donations. Call 702-870-4430 to help.

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