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front lines_News briefs of the West

By Karen Gleason,Editor The Lord is my strength and song (Ps. 118:14 NIV).
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Karen Gleason,Editor

The Lord is my strength and song (Ps. 118:14 NIV).

RITA, REPUBLIC OF MARSHALL ISLANDS (RMI)—RMI Youth Director Christopher John started a new sports ministry for community youth.

At 9:45 p.m., he invites all those using the basketball and volleyball courts to gather for a message from God’s Word. Almost everyone sits and listens intently.

“This is exactly what we need,” some of the attendees told John.

“We don’t encourage them to exercise only their bodies,” John said, “but also their spiritual lives.”

Captains Hittai and Maryrose Silk are the Rita corps officers.


MESA, ARIZ.—A bus strike forced many Mesa residents to find alternate ways of getting to work, including walking in the hot Arizona weather. For several mornings during the strike, the Mesa Citadel Corps sent its vehicle out looking for people needing transportation down the main roads leading to the light-rail station that was not on strike. Corps representatives also distributed water to those they encountered on the way.

Major Candi Frizzell is the corps officer.


WRANGELL, ALASKA—The corps, led by Captains Ronnie and Debra Davis, hosted a Youth with a Mission team that came to help with vacation Bible school, but also assisted with the corps’ evangelistic campaign. The team hit the streets to hand out Bibles and tracts, and later cooked a Korean dinner for 70 people in the community. Later, the team led a “salvation meeting” at the corps, resulting in 48 seekers.

TACOMA, WASH. —For its 125th anniversary celebration, the corps teamed up with the Tacoma Rainiers baseball team for The Salvation Army night at Cheney Stadium. Tacoma Corps Soldiers Jemeel Wiley and Aaron Morrow presented the colors before the game began. The Salvation Army was recognized throughout the game, which pitted the Rainiers against the Tucson Padres.

Majors Don and Martha Sheppard are the corps officers.


LAS VEGAS, NEV.— Children attending summer day camp at the Las Vegas Korean Corps visited a local nursing home. They played handbells and piano, and even sang for the residents. The seniors enjoyed the children’s company.

Corps Officers Lts. Richard and Minhee Lee later explained to the children why the seniors live in the nursing home, and why it is important to visit them.


LONG BEACH, CALIF.—Scott Beaubien and Mariano Bajaro, truck drivers for the Long Beach Adult Rehabilitation Center, recently received the Courageous Citizen award from Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey for their brave action in October 2012. They stopped a purse-snatcher, chasing him down, retrieving the purse and holding the thief until police arrived.

New Frontier ran a story at the time (see bit.ly/18Nd3rH).


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