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Is anyone crying for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you (Ps. 34:17 MSG).


PUEBLO, COLO.—Corps members visited 40 patients at the Pueblo Veterans Administration Nursing Home on March 30. One man, a World War II Purple Heart recipient and POW, hadn’t come out of his room for several days. Excited about the visit, he emerged, thanked the visitors and requested a weekly worship service.

Envoys Jim and Rose Mertz are the corps leaders.


LEWISTON, IDAHO—The corps, led by Captains Ralph and Margaret Guthrie, welcomes Young Life to meet weekly in its youth center; almost 50 youth and about 17 leaders attend. Some of the group’s leaders have attended the corps’ Sunday service.

The corps is also building a connection with the Northwest Children’s Home. The young people’s sergeant-major, who works there, has brought a few of the teen boys to the youth center, and recently four youth from the home attended worship service; one of them participated as the day’s drummer.


RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIF.—A community member wrote to the Peninsula High School principal about how she observed a young man stopping his car to assist an elderly lady who fell in front of the school. She provided the car description and license number, and the school tracked down Keegan Wild, Peninsula High senior and Torrance Corps soldier.

Wild was driving home when he saw the woman falling. He stayed with her until she was ready to walk to the bus, and he escorted her there.


EL CENTRO, CALIF.—The corps, led by Captains Jerry and Vicky Esqueda, held two open-air meetings every day during Holy Week, outside the corps and the thrift store. More than 100 individuals attended each day.

On Easter morning, corps members, dressed in Bible costumes, walked the annual one-mile March with the Cross. Drivers honked their horns and slowed down, paying tribute to the cross.


DENVER, COLO.—Intermountain Divisions’ 13 “Front Range” corps sent 226 people to join Denver Harbor Light and Denver Adult Rehabilitation Center for Good Friday services, themed “Stations of the Cross.”

A Bread and Broth service—“Do This in Remembrance of Me”—followed, organized by Captain Julie Brown, divisional women’s ministries secretary, with more than 25 homemade butters and cream cheeses, 20 different breads and toppings including raspberry-jalapeno butter, orange marmalade, honey pecan and garlic-onion cream cheese.


SUISUN CITY, CALIF—The Daily Republic newspaper listed the top “power couples” in the Fairfield-Suisun City area, with Corps Officers Captains Jonathan and Vickie Harvey in fifth place.

Winners were based on both members having independent power.

“An exception to the different-areas-of-power rule, [the Harveys] are co-leaders of the Kroc Center in Suisun City—a huge job at a king-sized place that makes a colossal impact in the area,” said Brad Stanhope, Daily Republic writer.

Read the story at https://tiny.cc/avcnvw.

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