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front lines/ News briefs of the West

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Karen Gleason, Editor

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17 NIV)

KODIAK, ALASKA—A transitional housing resident approached Major Cathy Quinn, corps officer with her husband, John, with a financial problem. Although the corps couldn’t help, Quinn suggested that she call the bank. When she did, the bank employee said, “You must be the woman in my dream that God told me to help.”

Afterwards, Quinn told the woman, who had often wondered why God was mad at her, “God isn’t mad at you; he was just waiting for you to be able to recognize his care.”

EL PASO COUNTY, COLO.—The El Paso County Command provided utility assistance to a military family living there after the veteran’s medical discharge. The family’s savings were drained as they traveled to and from Galveston, Texas, where the veteran received treatment for a brain injury from combat duty in Iraq.

Majors John and Judy Bennett are the county coordinators.

TUSTIN RANCH, CALIF.—Emma Lee, Erica Huang, Justin Koga and Samantha Lee, cello students at the Pioneer School of Music, received prizes in the 2012 American Protege Competition (americanprotege.com) and invitations to perform in Carnegie Weill Recital Hall in Washington, DC.

True products of the corps’ music program, the students collaborated with pianist David Dunford, learned music skills from Nathan Lewis and recorded for the competition with Justin Lansing. All are involved in outreach groups, such as Hospitality House.

SEATTLE, WASH.—Financially challenged parents “shopped” for Christmas gifts for their children free of charge at The Salvation Army’s one-day “Toy and Joy” event. More than 12,000 kids in the Seattle area and another 30,000 in western Washington had gifts thanks to donations from companies, individuals, schools and service clubs.

“The Salvation Army wants to give parents choices and a little dignity, two things that are often in short supply when times are tough,” said Lora Marini Baker, divisional community relations director.

PETERSBURG, ALASKA—The corps celebrated its volunteers at an appreciation dinner Jan. 5 at the Seaside House Restaurant. Awards included the top grossing Christmas kettle volunteer group, the Rotary Club of Petersburg;  their kettle raised over $3,000. Advisory Board member Steve Homer, corps member Gayle Espeseth, and thrift store volunteer Marina Leblanc were named Volunteers of the Year 2012.

Members of the advisory board, the community and the corps joined Corps Officers Lts. Caleb and Christin Fankhauser at the event.

PORTLAND, ORE.—The Portland Tabernacle Corps’ Christmas Sunday celebration included enrolling six senior soldiers: Barry Houck, Sammy Wright, Annalisa Green, D.D. Thomas, Deshay Woods and Leanna Woods. The corps also enrolled junior soldiers: Heather Wright, Odejia Adams, Odell Adams and Levi Evans.

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