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Front lines/ News briefs of the West

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Karen Gleason, Editor

Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil (Luke 11:4 MSG).


TURLOCK, CALIF.—The Turlock Salvation Army hosted “Pull for The Salvation Army,” a sporting clay tournament fundraiser, on Sept. 10. Sporting clay is like skeet shooting, except the shooter fires from 15 different stations and at different types and sizes of targets.

The fundraiser benefited the Turlock Community Center’s programs for at-risk and needy children; the center offers them a safe place to “hang out.”

At this year’s meet, the Turlock Corps had 63 shooters and raised $7,800.


SAN DIEGO, CALIF.— This year, the San Diego Kroc Center’s American Camp Association Accredited Day Camp Program had a record 2,950 enrollments, with an average of 250 campers each week.

Day Camp Manager Joe Muth attributes the success to amazing staff and a values-based program, “Our program strives to develop the whole child, within their environment, to help them grow physically, mentally and socially.”

Thanks to support from the community, members and donors, 2,000 children received full or partial scholarships to attend camp.


PORTLAND, ORE.—The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) partnered with 15 students from Multnomah University for “Design a Dorm Room on a Budget.”

Three teams received $250 each from the university to decorate a dorm room using only items purchased from seven local Salvation Army stores.

The teams had one week to purchase items and design their 10 ft. x 12 ft. rooms, which were then displayed for public voting. Voters chose the “Goose Hollow” themed room as the winner.

Winning team members were Monica Winders, Mickey Fernandez, Amy Simmons, Kenzie Halbert and Russell Woods.

BELL, CALIF.—Alexandra Tostes, a director at the Bell Shelter homeless center, understands the benefits that residents receive from watching and caring for aquarium fish, activities known to create calmness.

Maintaining a saltwater tank is expensive, however, so Tostes held a fundraising barbecue at the shelter to “save the fish.” The event raised $600, and Tostes plans to continue fundraising for a new aquarium and supplies.


BILLINGS, MONT.—The Billings Corps has announced “A Little Night of Music” for mid-November, a fundraiser by and benefiting the corps’ Billy Booth Fine Arts Factory, which offers piano, voice, drawing, book/paper making and 3D art classes, free for local youth.

All funds received will support the classes and needs of the Factory.

The recital evening will include dinner sponsored by local restaurants, with vegetables from the corps’ gardens.


WESTERN TERRITORY—Major Kevin Hanson of Hayward, Calif., has received his Master of Business Administration (MBA), with emphasis in non-profit management, from Corban University in Salem, Ore.


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