Fight homelessness and spread hope.

Tonight in America, 771,480 people are without a place to call home.

On top of that, most families living in poverty spend at least half their incomes on housing—which means any unexpected expense could send them down the spiral of housing instability, eviction and homelessness.

And yet, having a safe and stable place to live is at the very foundation of overall health and well-being.

That’s why, in The Salvation Army, there’s no such thing as no place to go.

Give the gift of transformation.

As the only provider of social services in every U.S. zip code, The Salvation Army uniquely understands that the statistics on those experiencing homelessness don’t provide a full picture of need. With one in 10 people living in poverty today, housing insecurity is not limited to a certain “type” of person.

Need can affect anyone.

A $100 donation will provide 3 nights of safe shelter.

That’s why The Salvation Army welcomes an average of 30,000 people every night to safe shelter across the U.S. — and we’ve been at it since 1865.

From emergency shelters to utility assistance or permanent supportive housing, we meet the need for refuge.

Your gift will help The Salvation Army transform a life.

A gift of $100 will help The Salvation Army provide three nights of safe shelter to someone in need near you.

Will you join us in Doing Good?

Here’s how it works:

Decide to join The Salvation Army in our fight against homelessness.

Give $100 to help provide three nights of safe shelter to someone nearby in need.

Lay your head on the pillow tonight knowing you’re helping a neighbor sleep a little more soundly.

Yes, you could keep “do good” on your to-do list. You could set a resolution to help others this year.

Or, you can decide to choose love today.

Fill the you-sized hole for goodness. Give to fight homelessness in your community today.

Our Promise to Donors Like You

The Salvation Army is dedicated to Doing the Most Good, assisting more than 27 million Americans annually with food, shelter, rehabilitation, disaster relief, child protection and more.

By meeting tangible needs, we give the world a lasting display of the love behind our beliefs. Since 1865, we have been working to provide sustainable solutions for the most vulnerable. We stay not just until the job is done, but long afterward to ensure the healing continues.

With 82 cents of every dollar dedicated to directly supporting the needs of the community in which it was received, The Salvation Army is committed to stewarding every donation with integrity.

Read our most recent annual report.

Ernest Rady, Salvation Army donor

“We have great confidence in this organization, so we are happy to put our resources in their hands, and we look forward to a successful conclusion. I’m really proud of what we’re doing.”

– Ernest Rady, Donor, San Diego, California

Words From Our Community

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