Elsewhere in the world

Newsbriefs from the international Salvation Army
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EL SALVADOR—Young people from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador attended a youth retreat the last weekend of July 2010. El Salvador Regional Commander Major Donald Wilson stated the goals for the weekend: “to encourage participants to examine their relationship with the Lord and assess their personal lives regarding knowing and experiencing his truth, light and love.”

Leaders were confident they had accomplished their objectives when a number of delegates testified that the Lord had spoken personally to them, which created a desire to continue in and nurture their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Wilson said the idea and provisions for the weekend were solely from God because no funds or staff were available to host an event for over 100 people. But in the end, every need was met.

PAKISTAN—Responding to floods now affecting an estimated 20 million people, The Salvation Army distributed bedding and cooking utensil packs to 300 families in Charsada. The distribution team included Lt. Colonel Yousaf Ghulam (chief secretary of the Salvation Army’s Pakistan Territory) and Lt. Colonel Rebecca Yousaf (territorial secretary for women’s ministries).

The team also visited the Academy Town Corps to meet affected families, and made assessment to Nowshera, Pabi, Jahangia and Aza khail—all communities near the River Kabul.

In Aza khail, community members asked for tents to provide shelter. The Salvation Army is putting together funds so it can buy a large number of tents.

For more information, go online to blog.salvationarmyusa.org or salvationarmy.org, where donations may be made to “Pakistan Floods Appeal.”

HAITI—The Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO) teamed with the Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Team (SBCDT) to provide the Jacmel Corps with a temporary chapel. The corps’ chapel was damaged in the January earthquake; since then, people have met under tarps. The coming of the rainy season worsened the situation. The SBCDT converted six Salvation Army housing kits into a corps chapel for Jacmel. During the week, classes are held in the building. The Army plans to do the same for the Bainet Corps, as its building was also damaged.Source: Major Sharon Polarek, national liaison for Emergency Disaster Services

ROMANIA—Although flooding is a natural occurrence here, areas usually unaffected have been devastated by recent heavy rains.

Salvation Army officers traveled 90 miles to respond in Dorohoi (northwest Romania), working with local administration to provide cleaning products, toilet paper, bedding and towels to families in the greatest need.

The deluge came suddenly and rose two meters (79 inches) in less than 30 minutes. The floods destroyed 520 homes in Dorohoi alone, affecting 2,200 people. Six people died there; 22 others perished in flooding across Romania.

“The people are scared, desperate, hungry, naked and covered in mud,” Army staff reported. “They have no dry clothes and no beds.”

The Salvation Army will continue assistance in the area.

RUSSIA—The Salvation Army is helping those affected by the Eastern Russia wildfires. Because this has been the country’s hottest recorded summer, numerous areas of grass, peat bogs and forests are potential fire hazards.

In Voronezh—a city of 85,000 people 475 kilometers (590 miles) south of Moscow—600 people were left homeless when fires almost encircled the city.

The Salvation Army’s Voronezh Corps is working with local authorities and distributing food, water, clothes and personal care products, bedding and other household items.Army personnel are also involved in spiritual counseling.

Although the Voronezh Corps does not own its own vehicle, it has partnered with another church that owns two.
From Salvationist.org

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