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Elsewhere in the world

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Elsewhere in the world


CANADA—Salvation Army units are exploring possibilities for outreach during the Olympic Torch Relay, which will travel through over 1,000 communities during its 106-day trek that will cross Canada twice.

The journey began on Oct. 30 and ends on Feb. 12, 2010. The Salvation Army sees this as an opportunity to connect with and serve communities. Salvationists will also be supporting and participating in the Canada Ablaze prayer initiative—an initiative of More Than Gold, a network of the Christian community organized in response to the games.

Plans are set for mobile canteens to be active at 12 community celebrations extending from Victoria, BC to London, ON. Some locations will feature brass ensembles, and many corps are planning special events to coincide with the coming of the torch.

Source: Sharon Tidd, Salvationist.CA

BAHAMAS—The Salvation Army’s Adult Blind Workshop hosted an open house in September.

For the past four decades the workshop has produced quality mops for the local Bahamian market. Every employee receives full and equitable pay for their work, while gaining a sense of self-reliance and independence. All of the shop’s net profits go back into the community through the Army’s social service programs. Over 100,000 mops have been manufactured by the workshop since its opening in 1945.

“Through gifted hands, we are breaking the barrier of disability in an amazing way,” Dante Bain, workshop manager, said. “We are empowering ourselves to accomplish almost anything.”

To support The Salvation Army’s Adult Blind Workshop you may send donations to P.O. Box N-205 Nassau, The Bahamas.

From Bahamaislandsinfo.com

ECUADOR—The Catherine Booth home in Manta, Ecuador (part of the South America West Territory), has dedicated itself to fighting the high rate of trafficking in this coastal area.

Their doors are open to teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 who have been sexually or psychologically abused or have been involved in prostitution.

They not only offer refuge from the violence, but also a home and counseling.

The Salvation Army in Ecuador also took part in the internationally funded project, “Confronting Human Trafficking through the Development of Community Based Initiatives.” Six communities participated with hundreds of people attending meetings to increase awareness of trafficking.

All children identified as victims of trafficking are receiving the social, emotional, physical and spiritual care needed to facilitate healing and to prevent further abuse.

Sources: October-December 2009 issue of Revive and www.salvationist.ca

UNITED KINGDOM—Cambridge graduate and entrepreneur Richard Reed, co-founder of the UK-based multi-million-dollar drinks company Innocent Drinks, ran the 26.2-mile ING New York City Marathon on Nov. 1 to help raise money for The Salvation Army.

“While I have run marathons before I have never really run one in aid of a charity as such. At Innocent Drinks we have the Innocent Foundation, which is a UK-based charity which gives grants to non-governmental organizations and other charities with the idea of bringing nature and communities closer together for mutual benefit,” Reed said. “When my parents highlighted the good work of The Salvation Army in helping thousands of homeless and needy people in the UK, as well as the less fortunate in countries around the world, I couldn’t refuse their suggestion of running for such a good cause.”

Reed ran the route in 3:27:35, an average of 7.56 minutes per mile.

Taken from www1.salvationarmy.org.uk

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