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Elsewhere in the world

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Indonesia—In Bali, Chief of the Staff Commissioner Robin Dunster presided over the South Pacific and East Asia Zonal Leaders Conference. Delegates explored the themes “A Salvation Army,” “A Sanctified Army” and “A Sensible Army.”
Delegates received a warm welcome from the host territory, each receiving a garland of flowers upon arrival before girls from the children’s home performed traditional Balinese welcome dances. At the welcome meeting, boys from the William Booth Boys’ Home played bamboo xylophone music, providing a Balinese flavor to the meeting.

India—Commissioner Lalkiamlova, international secretary for South Asia, visited Salvationists and other Christians living in Tikapali, a government-run camp in Orissa established by the government there for Christians forced from homes after persecution broke out in August 2008 following the murder of a Hindu priest. Accompanying Lalkiamlova were Colonel Kashinath Lahase (India Northern territorial commander), Major Sabita Das (Angul divisional commander), and three other officers.
Of the 500 Christians living in camp, 150 are Salvationists. Encouraged by the visit, many of them were overcome with emotion.
Rehabilitation and emotional healing are essential for these persecuted and displaced Christians. The India Northern Territory has begun a survey on how best to meet their needs.

United Kingdom— The Salvation Army supported Fairtrade Fortnight from Feb. 23 – March 8, 2009, in solidarity with the two billion people worldwide (a third of humanity) who survive on less than $2 a day. While unfair trade rules keep them in poverty, Fairtrade is a people’s movement that aims to tip the balance of trade in favor of poor producers.
A highlight of the fortnight occurred between noon March 6 and noon March 7, when hundreds of thousands of people ate one Fairtrade banana as part of a world record attempt for the greatest number of people eating a Fairtrade banana in a 24-hour period.
To get involved in the cause, purchase Fairtrade products when possible and ask stores to stock more products with the Fairtrade mark—and spread the word to family and friends about Fairtrade.
For more information, visit www.fairtrade.org.uk.

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