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CANADA—Lt. Colonel Raphael Mason, Canada and Bermuda Territory multicultural ministries secretary, dedicated nine new brass instruments at Yorkwoods Community Church, an area in Toronto known for its diversity.

Mason believes the instruments, made possible by a legacy donation, will enhance the corps’ ministry to the community.

“We can reach out to people. Our music ministry will contribute to the moral and spiritual development of our community,” said Corps Officer A/Captain Alain Suammunu-Luasu.

From Salvationist.ca


AUSTRALIA—Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) teams in New South Wales responded to floods in southeast Australia; some areas experienced the worst flooding in more than 150 years.


Rising river levels forced thousands of people from their homes after torrential rains. The situation was aggravated by run-off from flooding in the north in February.

Volunteer-supported Army teams established and manned evacuation centers for displaced residents.

From an international news release


UKRAINE—Women, children and a few men celebrated International Women’s Day—a state holiday—on March 8 at The Salvation Army Kharkov social center.


The one-day festival included crafts and refreshments. Every woman—mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, wives and girlfriends—received flowers, gifts and cards from the men in the life.

International Women’s Day is considered the first spring holiday in Ukraine. It originated as a day for supporting women in their struggle for equality but evolved into an event less political and more personal.

From ua-traveling.com


UNITED KINGDOM—The Salvation Army Eastbourne Corps held the world premiere of the 45-minute film “Marching to Music,” from the Riot Film Group—a local movie club—that relates the corps’ fight for the freedom to march the streets and hold open-air meetings.


Based on the diary of Salvationist Walter Guy, the movie highlights the lengths to which officers and soldiers were prepared to go to share the gospel, including inprisonment.

From Salvationist, Feb. 18 issue

 SOUTH PACIFIC/EAST ASIA (SPEA)—General Linda Bond joined leaders from the SPEA zone at a conference in late February, themed “Leadership in the 21st Century,” and focusing on the spiritual life of the 42 delegates and those they lead.


“[Bond’s] teaching, based on biblical insights and her own vast experience as a leader, was forthright and thought-provoking,” said Commissioner Alistair Herring, SPEA zonal secretary.

The General will attend all five zonal conferences in her first 18 months in office.

From salvationarmy.org.nz

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