See Good, Spread Good

You know who you are…

☑️ Hoping for a better world.
☑️ Longing for what’s good.
☑️ Filling days to the absolute brim. 
☑️ Caring to turn hope into action.
☑️ Feeling a scarcity of resources.
☑️ Willing to pay attention.
☑️ Wanting do some small something
☑️ Supporting goodness in others.
☑️ Knowing small actions add up to make a big difference.

What would you say to having a group of hopefuls who are right there with you…right in your back pocket?

Well, friend—you’ve got it!

➡️ Join the Hopefuls Collective and find a place of low pressure, high encouragement love anytime you need it, whether you know it or not. ⬅️

We’re reclaiming the meaning of “doing good,” of giving, of volunteering—of action. 

Because you don’t need to do anything “big” to have a big impact. 

The fact is, making the world work better for everyone does NOT require anything grandiose. And it isn’t naive. Instead, it’s about being ready. Hope is the sum total of a ton of very small motions forward. It’s the collection of choices that make a mark — any of which YOU could make. 

Imagine we had a good-living modern village with real talk, real stories and real support for being human and hopeful.

This is it. Let’s see goodness and spread goodness together. (All from wherever you happen to be.)

Ready to get inside?

Listen to the Podcast.

Be inspired with tangible ideas to do good today, right where you are.

Make a Plan for Joy.

A printable 12-week joy planner and mini-workshop podcast to help you create a season of intention.

Study the Word.

Add more of the good Word to your day with this library of Bible studies.