Salvationists join from seven countries
By Andrew Hannevik –
Chief of the Staff Commissioner Brian Peddle and World Secretary for Women’s Ministries Commissioner Rosalie Peddle served as guest leaders of the recent Nordic congress in Oslo, Norway, attended by Salvationists from seven countries—Norway, Greenland, Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Iceland and The Færoes.
In the opening meeting, Peddle gave a message on the event’s theme: “Transformed.” He challenged seven newly commissioned officers to be transformed to serve. The meeting was followed by a time of celebration, praise and thanksgiving with the Norwegian Territorial Band joining forces with Oslo Temple Band, several soloists and a united gospel chorus. A late night event turned Scandinavian-style singalong with guitars, piano accordions and string basses.
At a women’s breakfast the following day, Rosalie Peddle was interviewed by Commissioner Vibeke Krommenhoek, territorial president of women’s ministries in the Norway, Iceland and The Færoes Territory. They later joined Salvationists and friends from across the Nordic countries in a march of witness through Oslo city center.
Throughout the congress, the Peddles shared the platform with leaders from the three territories present (the hosts, the Sweden and Latvia Territory and the Denmark and Greenland Territory), focusing on different aspects of transformation: transformed to serve; transformed to fellowship; transformed to holiness; and transformed to go out and make disciples. Every meeting provided glimpses into the lives of the territories represented, with personal stories highlighting moments of engagement through ministry.
Festivals, presentations and special gatherings for children and young people preceded the final meeting, during which leaders of the Norway, Iceland and The Færoes Territory, Commissioners Dick and Vibeke Krommenhoek, were given recognition and thanks as they soon take up appointment as corps officers in The Netherlands.