An open letter to all soldiers in the Western Territory

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From the desk of…

by Philip Swyers, Commissioner – 

Do you think outside the box or color outside the lines? Is doing business the same old way not your cup of tea? Would you rather be “in the game” instead of “sitting on the sidelines?” Do you have a vision for the Army’s mission and want to actively work toward fulfilling that vision? Are you willing to work hard as well as dream big?

If you answered a loud “yes” to any or all of these questions, then you need to be a Vision Action Team member. Mission-driven, vision-oriented, and action-focused, Vision Action Team members are passionate; proactive advocates who effectively implement the vision process throughout the Western Territory.

If Vision Action Teams are unfamiliar to you, then a short history is in order. At the dawn of the new millennium, all corps, adult rehabilitation centers, and outposts in the Western Territory were asked to articulate a vision and mission statement for their future individual ministry outreaches. These grass-root statements were foundational to the development of the Western Territory’s Six Strategic Priorities. These priorities—make the field a priority; promote holistic ministry; make ministry to youth a priority; cast a global vision; identify, train and develop leaders; and direct resources to mission—are the Western Territory’s guidepost for its ministry in the twenty-first century.

Out of this visioning process, divisional and territorial Vision Action Teams were born. Meeting at least twice a year, these teams of representatives from corps, adult rehabilitation centers, and outposts throughout the Western Territory actively work toward accomplishing the ongoing vision and mission of the Army. They brainstorm, fellowship, and through their collective voice are given the opportunity to be heard at the upper levels of the Army itself. This soldier involvement is crucial to the success of divisional and territorial teams alike.

But beyond achieving the strategic priorities, Vision Action Teams train and develop leaders through active participation and mentoring. By their very design, Vision Action Teams build enthusiasm, involvement, and ownership within the territory, division and most importantly within your own corps. It is the only avenue for direct soldier input in the Army’s mission at both divisional and territorial levels.

Still in their infancy, Vision Action Teams are accomplishing much while at the same time waiting for all corps, outposts, and adults rehabilitation centers to be represented. Does your local unit have a divisional Vision Action Team representative? Ask your corps officer or ARC administrator. If not, are you willing to be that soldier representative? As the representative you will be asked to give your time and talents. You will not only participate in the vision but will also actively work to implement that vision.

If you are interested in joining a Vision Action Team and are willing to give your time and talents to further the Kingdom of God, ask your corps officer for more details. If your division does not have an active Vision Action Team, ask your divisional staff to implement a team.

Be involved. Be heard. Get in the game. Join a Vision Action Team today.

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