In Anaheim, pet owners find a haven of support at emergency shelter

In Anaheim, pet owners find a haven of support at emergency shelter

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At The Salvation Army Anaheim Emergency Shelter, pets are not just welcome—they’re embraced.

Wagging tails and eager eyes greet guests at The Salvation Army Anaheim (California) Emergency Shelter (AES). There, many find safety and security from hardship alongside their loyal companions.

“I was going to remain homeless until I found a place that could accept me and my dog,” said Christopher Huempfner, who owns Mellie, a charismatic terrier. 

Huempfner has had Mellie since she was a puppy and said parting from her was never a thought.

“She’s the only love I’ve ever had,” he said. “She’s my everything.”

Anaheim Emergency Shelter Site Manager Maria Rea said this is the reality for many individuals who have experienced homelessness.

“These animals are family to so many people,” Rea said. “They’ve been with them through hard times.”

A study from the National Library of Medicine found nearly 23 percent of surveyed young adults using drop-in shelters in Los Angeles had a pet. Nearly half found having a pet posed more challenges to accessing a shelter.

Photo by John Docter.

The Anaheim Emergency Shelter accommodates up to 30 pets, removing a barrier to emergency housing and ensuring that individuals and their pets can find safety and support together.

Guests can stay at the shelter at no cost for as long as needed while working with case managers to chart a path toward self-sufficiency and stability.

To support the needs of guests and their pets, Obeth Borjas, a certified veterinary assistant, serves as the Pet Specialist at the shelter. She is on-site during the week to assist with pet training, education, nail trimmings and to help schedule spaying, neutering and vaccination appointments for the animals.

She also serves as a listening ear, helping guests navigate personal obstacles.

“I try to let guests know that I’m there for them and that I can be a safe space for whatever they’re going through,” Borjas said.

Borjas began her role in March 2023 after transitioning from a career in social work and gaining experience as a volunteer at a veterinary clinic, where she assisted veterinarians with routine check-ups and surgeries.

“I wanted to find a role to balance my love for animals and my love for people,” Borjas said. “I love that I now work alongside people and their pets.”

In her role, Borjas has used her connections from previous volunteer work to form community partnerships that simplify the pet vaccination process. She has also cultivated relationships with donors to obtain free pet beds, food bowls and grooming supplies.

“Obeth is very resourceful,” Rea said. “She’s tapped into other agencies for partnerships and on top of that she goes out of her way to ensure pets are healthy, happy and taken care of.”

When guest Zalika Fredrick’s chihuahua mix, Warrior, sustained a leg injury requiring constant care while in a cast, Borjas stepped in to provide temporary foster care. Additionally, the team utilized grants to cover Warrior’s medical expenses.

“It’s so valuable to know that in your worst moments, something loves you so unconditionally.”

Obeth Borjas, Pet Specialist at The Salvation Army Anaheim Emergency Shelter

“It was scary, and I didn’t know what to do,” Fredrick said. “I’m very appreciative of Obeth helping me and treating Warrior like her own.”

Today, Warrior is cast-free and back in Fredrick’s care, running around without complications.

“It just comes naturally to me,” Borjas said. “Whether it’s providing transportation, attending vet appointments with them, fostering a pet, or pet sitting—whatever they need, I’m prepared to find a solution. That 100 percent comes from a labor of love.”

According to Borjas, the emotional support that animals bring their owners is priceless.

“We see these pets bringing comfort, companionship, and a sense of stability and responsibility,” she said. “These are great ways to boost one’s mental health.”

A study by News in Health highlights the positive impact of pets on mental health, revealing owning a pet or interacting with animals can significantly reduce stress and loneliness all while enhancing social connections and improving one’s mood.

“Just knowing you’re the center of their world and can do no wrong in their eyes is a comforting feeling,” Borjas said.

In Anaheim, pet owners find a haven of support at emergency shelter
Obeth Borjas (left) stands next to Sunny Lopez as Wolfey receives the Pet of The Month reward. Photo courtesy The Salvation Army Orange County.

In March 2024, Borjas worked alongside guest Sunny Fuentes, who decided he wanted an emotional support dog while residing at the shelter.

After detailed discussions and planning with the team, Fuentes was approved to adopt a pet to stay with him at the shelter. He soon welcomed a white husky named Wolfey into his life, forging a bond that Obeth said sparked growth. 

“He’s come out of his shell more and has learned new ways to speak up and advocate for himself,” Borjas said. “It’s a lot of growth in a short time that probably wouldn’t have happened without Wolfey.”

In July, Wolfey won Pet of the Month at the shelter for her loyalty to Fuentes and the joy she has brought to his life. 

According to Obeth, witnessing animals and their owners look after one another is one of the most rewarding aspects of her day.

“It’s so valuable to know that in your worst moments, something loves you so unconditionally,” Borjas said. “It can be hard to remember to love yourself, and when something loves you so truly, you start remembering.”

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