A gift that keeps giving

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from theDesk of…

by Eda Hokom, Lt. Colonel –

Christmas—the most wonderful time of the year. At least that is what the song says. Perhaps after finishing the shopping, kettles, Christmas programs, parties, decorating, baking, eating—and don’t forget the Christmas cards—you can agree that it was wonderful again this year.

My Christmas began early this fall, with a time of renewal and refreshment at Mt. Hermon. The days seemed like a precursor of what is to come during the Western Bible Conference (WBC) in August of 2010. Beautiful weather, incredible grounds, encouraging staff, great food, excellent Bible teaching and wonderful fellowship are the descriptive phrases for our time together. It was a gift that has kept on giving.

Would you like a Christmas gift that just keeps on giving, and doesn’t require lots of shopping? A gift that will enrich and enhance your life? A gift that is reasonable and can include the whole family? A gift that includes risk-taking (extreme canopy zip line), climbing wall, hiking trails, swimming, indoor recreation, fitness center, an old fashioned train ride, book shop, espresso bar, and a beautiful opportunity to relax and enjoy God’s gift of nature? A gift that includes visits to both the mountains and the beach? A gift that provides stimulating fellowship and spiritual renewal that will be remembered as your “best” Christmas gift ever? Intrigued? Ready to sign up? How about a vacation gift to WBC for your family, a friend or even for yourself?

WBC has over a hundred delegates registered and there are still nine months to go. Dr. Bill Ury and Lt. Colonel Clive Adams are already preparing and praying for our time together. The overall theme of “Renew” will focus on Romans 12:2, and encompass the daily themes of Renew our Minds, Renew our Hearts (Passions), Renew our Souls (Spiritual Life), Renew our Likeness (of Christ).

Set the dates on your calendar (August 21-26, 2010), register through your corps officer, and complete your family Christmas shopping list! You can always add little stocking stuffers, like a flashlight, sunscreen, maybe even a new summer outfit. Then the anticipation begins. Just as during this advent season, we anticipate the coming of Christ, you can anticipate the rich spiritual teaching, the Christian fellowship, the treasured memories, and the celebration of family times, knowing that you gave a “gift that keeps on giving.”

Sign up today and begin now to pray that our days together at the Western Bible Conference will be filled with joy, praise, spiritual growth, encouragement, equipping, and vision.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind
(Romans 12:2a).

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