Elsewhere in the world…

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Kenya—Lt. Colonel Jolene Hodder, secretary for Women’s Ministries in Kenya, reports that on a recent weekend two young THQ secretaries, along with 28 others from the Quarry Road Corps, journeyed to an unsettled part of Kenya to share the gospel. One of their prayers was quickly answered on Friday when the two tribes that were in conflict in the group’s target area agreed to settle their differences. On Saturday, 15 persons accepted Christ. The group then stayed up all night to lead another 35 persons to the Lord.

Poland—The Salvation Army in Warsaw recently celebrated its first anniversary. Colonel Vibeke Krommenhoek, leader of Project Warsaw, reports that while the first year was not a “piece of cake,” the soldiers and leaders—Captains Andrei and Olga Iniutocichin and Major Denise McGarvey—have been faithful.

Currently, the Army is conducting outreach in Praga (a neighborhood in Warsaw)—seeking the “people of peace,” as Jesus instructed his disciples in Luke 10. Since the end of summer day camp, they have visited all the families of the children who participated, and they will maintain these relationships. Meanwhile, weekly cell meetings, recruits classes and Sunday services continue, and several times each week Captain Andrei plays football with the children on the local playground. Every Saturday Captain Olga leads a children’s Bible club at the playground; many kids are becoming regulars. Captain Olga hopes to recruit five adult helpers before Christmas.

Project Warsaw continues to work to develop Polish funding, so that ultimately they will not depend on outside sources. Krommenhoek expresses appreciation for Poland’s prayer partners, and requests continued prayer support for the efforts of The Salvation Army in Poland.

WORLD AIDS DAY, DEC. 1—In recognition of World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, 2006, The Salvation Army has announced the upcoming publication of the book More Than Eyes Can See, by Rhidian Brook, in May 2007, by London publishers Marion Boyars.

Brook, a UK writer and broadcaster, chronicles the unique journey undertaken by his family this year. In January, giving up a comfortable life in London, they took off on a nine-month journey through the AIDS pandemic in Africa, India, China and the US. The Salvation Army hosted them as they lived in communities in 11 countries. Their mission has been to observe close-up and first hand the effect HIV/AIDS is having on communities around the world and to bear witness to The Salvation Army’s work in helping these communities respond to the problem.

Look for more information on this landmark book in the near future.
From an international news release

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