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by Sue Schumann Warner – 

You received Christ Jesus, the Master, now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into Thanksgiving. (Col. 2:7) The Message

In the Latin America North Territory, 126 women from western Cuba gathered for women’s ministry camp, led by Major Rhode Danielson and Captain Ivis Fernández. The camp featured Bible studies, devotionals and other activities focusing on the theme “Lord, make me an instrument.” One delegate said, “We felt the Lord’s presence with each step we took and each message we heard.”
Western officers Majors Doug and Rhode Danielson serve in the Latin America North Territory as chief secretary and secretary for women’s ministries, respectively.

Cascade’s Clitheroe honored
The Oregon National Guard recently honored Jack Clitheroe, social services consultant for the Cascade Division, for his efforts to continue the Home Front War Relief Program, which helps military families who have suffered financial hardship resulting from deployment. When national funds from the Lilly Foundation ran out, Clitheroe began a media/publicity campaign to raise the funds to assist local military families. He accepted the award on behalf of The Salvation Army and the Lilly Foundation.

Jonathan Tollerud in Iraq
Jonathan Tollerud, from the Golden State Division’s Santa Clara Citadel Corps, was recently deployed to Iraq. He is the son of Majors Douglas and Sheryl Tollerud, corps officers, Santa Clara Citadel; Major Douglas Tollerud is also the Santa Clara County Coordinator. Please pray for the safety of Jonathan and all our troops.

San Bernardino REACHES OUT
Corps Officer Major Jacqueline Fritz reports that Linda Hernandez Luna brought nine new people to the San Bernardino Corps’ Sunday school during the month of September. Also reaching out to others in the community during that time were Craig Henry with five new people and Danny Castillo with four.
Several corps members have reached out to others within the Western Territory. They made 37 scarves and hats for those in need in Alaska. Major Dolores Rivitt, facilities coordinator in the Alaska Division, will distribute them.

Overseas Officers
Captains Mark and Vicki Gilden and family recently departed the U.S. to serve in Belize. Their address is: The Salvation Army, Georgeville, P.O. Cayo District, Belize, Central America. Please remember them on holidays and other occasions. Captain Mark’s birthday is Sept. 10; Captain Vicki’s is November 16; their children’s birthdates are: Jonnethann, 9-12-86; Saharra, 8-11-90; Catherine, 8-19-98; and Alison, 8-16-00.

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