Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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warnerby Sue Schumann Warner –
Managing Editor

The Napa, Calif., Corps was quick to respond to the 5.2 earthquake which hit the city on September 3. Captain James Durel initiated the Army’s disaster response efforts at daybreak. Two full-kitchen mobile units from the San Rafael and Concord Corps were in service almost immediately. More supplies and support personnel from the Petaluma Corps were also on site. Mobile feeding units from Marin and Petaluma provided roving feeding services to the six areas most affected by the earthquake.

The Napa Corps Community Center was not damaged, except for a crack in the water heater. The officers’ quarters sustained minor structural and content damage.


The Hanford, Calif., Corps (Envoys Lyle and Linda Morris) serves breakfast Monday through Friday, dinner on Sunday evening, and has a Once Per Month Lunch Club. The newsletters that Morris hands out at each meal have changed many lives, including a family’s being freed from alcohol and drug addiction. The father now works full time. Between 1,500 and 2,000 hot meals are prepared monthly. Once-per-month members eat lunch and take home a bag of food. Morris presents the gospel in song and message so those enjoying the food may hear about the Bread of Life.


Sherry and Bob Ingles live in Hayward, Calif., and dock their Queen of Hearts fishing tour boat in Half Moon Bay. One day a year they give all fish caught to The Salvation Army for distribution to homeless and low-income people in San Francisco. This is Sherry and Bob’s idea of a holiday. Last year they participated in a week-long operation out of San Diego and gave 850 pounds of Albacore tuna to the local Rotary for distribution. In seven years, Food for the Hungry estimates it has provided The Army enough fish to feed up to 20,000 people who need it. For tickets on the October 15 Queen of Hearts trip, call (510) 581-2628. Cost is $50, which is donated along with the fish.


The Denver Citadel Corps (Lts. Bob and Amy Reardon) recently hosted a Sunday afternoon BBQ and concert for residents of the Denver Silvercrest. Over 80 adults and children enjoyed the music and fellowship on the patio. Beth Large, Silvercrest manager, was pleased with the turnout and noted how much everyone enjoyed the atmosphere.


Lt. Colonel Al Van Cleef, divisional commander, said the Adult Social Services Residential Camp was an incredibly spiritually moving experience. There were 170 men and women in attendance. “Testimonies were powerful; the changes in people from the beginning to the end of camp were remarkable.” he said…”I looked into the faces of the men and women who came forward with a deep desire to let go of the bondage that was keeping them from becoming all that God wanted them to be. God bless the men and women who were so bold to stand for Christ on a Sunday morning. God bless Steve Allen, Lynn James, and other members of the social services staff who made this camp happen again this year.”


Our congratulations go out to Captain Lorena Strickland, of the Los Angeles Lighthouse Corps, who was recently awarded certification as a Specialist in Alcoholism and Other Drug Addictions Recovery from the California Association of Addiction Recovery Resources Institute. This is a great accomplishment and provides additional skills and training that will only add to Captain Strickland’s ministry.

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