Froderbergs Report Victories in Kiev

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by Major Trish Froderberg – 

We traveled to Kirovograd recently to open the new corps there and install our new Moldovian lieutenants. It was a terrific, hectic time!

Lts. Mark and Lydia Prisiazhniye have only been in Kirovograd for four weeks. At Saturday’s Home League meeting we were greeted with beautiful flowers, singing and the reciting of poetry by small children, the youngest just 4 years old. We were served tea and much Ukrainian food. A Bible study was followed by a youth meeting.

As we entered the building for the Sunday meetings, a small girl greeted me, holding out her hand. In it were two cookies and several candies. She gave them to me as a gift of love. This was probably all of the sweets she would receive for the day, and a real treat for her. It was just one of many spontaneous love gifts during the weekend.

Ninety-seven people attended the Holiness meeting, held in the basement of the library. The city youth band accompanied the congregational singing. I think it was the first time some in the band had played Christian music. The solo cornetist asked Colonel Brian Morgan, officer commanding Russia/CIS, what she could play. “Amazing Grace” was chosen, and by the time the service began she had it memorized, and played without the benefit of printed music.

We presented the flannelgraph given to us by the Kalispell Sunday school children. Such a gift is a valued treasure to our people. The new corps youth worker and corps officers received it gratefully. The children in the meeting were delighted to see such bright, beautiful pictures and eagerly await their first lesson. It will bless these children for years to come!

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