High Council Works Steadily Towards Nominations (Report Two, High Council 2013)

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The second day of the 18th High Council of The Salvation Army commenced with worship led by the Chaplain (Commissioner James Condon). He called on all the African officers and those who had served in Africa to contribute a song, and they reminded members that ‘Every day and every hour, you are faithful, O Lord!’ The Scriptures were shared and moments of prayer followed.

The work of any High Council is guided by its Orders of Procedure. These orders are described by General John Larsson (Retired) as ‘the accrued wisdom and experience of all past councils’ [click here to open a pdf of General Larsson’s article, ‘How the High Council Elects a General’]. One of the first tasks of any High Council is to review and, if necessary, amend the procedures.

With the revised Orders of Procedure adopted the council continued its work with the election of permanent Tellers and the Questions Committee, whose members prepare the questionnaire for which each member may submit one question. Commissioner Clive Adams (United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland) was elected as chairperson, and the other members are Commissioner William Cochrane (International Headquarters), Commissioner Marie Willermark (Sweden and Latvia Territory), Commissioner Kenneth Hodder (Kenya West Territory) and Commissioner Caroline Seiler (USA Central Territory). In addition the President can appoint two members – in this instance Commissioner Malcolm Induruwage (Sri Lanka Territory) and Commissioner Vinece Chigariro (Kenya East Territory).

Each nominee for the office of General will be required to answer the same set of questions. In this way the High Council works towards the nomination of candidates for election as the 20th General later in the week – the sole reason for the High Council having been summoned.

Although much has been accomplished in the past two days Commissioner Irene Induruwage (Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, Sri Lanka Territory), attending her second High Council, felt that the council’s work was progressing steadily yet without any sense of pressure. Indeed, she felt that people were open to God’s Spirit and had a sense that what they do today will affect tomorrow.


Report by Major Christine Clement

High Council Communications Officer


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