Alaska’s Kodiak Corps turns 20

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A community reflects on the past and looks to the future. 

By John Quinn, Major


Salvationists in Kodiak, Alaska, enjoyed a festive time during the weekend of Nov. 12-13 as they celebrated their corps’ 20th anniversary.

In a musical celebration spanning back to The Salvation Army’s beginnings in 1865, video clips from Lt. Colonel Eddie Hobgood’s musical Our People were integrated with “fight songs” from the warfare section of the Army’s songbook. Special guests Envoys Craig and Jean Fanning (Kenai Corps)—original founders of the work in Kodiak—spoke about their labor before and after the purchase of the Beachcomber Bar, the eventual site of the Kodiak Corps.

Community leader Jimmy Ng gave a history of the facilities, including the bar. He explained how rowdy parties and a raucous atmosphere moved Nina Galbreth—a saint and prayer warrior—to pray every week for God’s redemption of the facility. Ng read James 5:16: The effective prevent prayer of a righteous man avails much, emphasizing that her prayers were answered 15 years later when Envoy Craig Fanning purchased the property for the Army. Ng shared the struggle to find facilities and God’s leading to purchase the bar.

Divisional Commander Major George Baker spoke on moving the battle forward, emphasizing that God still has much work to do in Kodiak, but he’s faithful and will complete it.

Fanning’s Sunday morning message was “Back to the Future.” Using Gen. 35, he reminded the congregation that God took Jacob back to the place of his vows (Bethel) and when Jacob recommitted his life, God promised he would make him mighty nation. Fanning then encouraged everyone to go back to his or her Bethel and recommit his or her lives.

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