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Elsewhere in the world


SOUTH AFRICA—The Salvation Army has encouraged the government to step up its efforts in passing anti-trafficking legislation, as the lack of such impedes the country’s efforts to combat these crimes.

Major Marieke Venter, divisional director for women’s affairs, noted the importance of keeping the issue of human trafficking in the forefront of people’s awareness.

“What we need now is the government to speed up the enactment of the Trafficking in Persons Bill. Lack of legislation in South Africa is a big challenge we face in the fight against human trafficking,” Venter said.

Mozambique, Swaziland and Zambia already have anti-human trafficking laws. According to Venter, South Africa is trailing behind its neighbors.

From www.salvationarmy.org.za

ENGLAND—Commissioner Elizabeth Matear, joint leader of The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland and current moderator of the Free Churches Group, hosted an informal meeting in London on Oct. 27, 2010, to welcome newly appointed women church leaders.

Rev. Allison Tomlin, president of the Methodist Conference, and Mrs. Val Morrison, a moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, met with Matear.

With the advent of women in leadership positions in both of these groups—as well as the Speaker’s Chaplain role in the House of Commons—Matear believes it is a significant, and critical, time in the UK in regard to women in church ministry.

The Free Churches Group consists of 22 denominations. The moderator is the representative of the group to the public.

From www.salvationarmy.org.uk

HAITI—The Salvation Army medical clinic staff in Port-au-Prince—led by Dr. Danielle Prosper—prepared for a possible increase of patients affected by a near epidemic cholera eruption. Contact with dirty water caused the spread of the disease.

A displaced persons camp of more than 13,000 people—also managed by the Army—surrounds the clinic. The camp maintains a sufficient supply of safe drinking water and toilets as well as a good drainage system. Education addressing the importance of thorough hand washing and cooking was already implemented.

Communication took place between The Salvation Army and Haitian health officials regarding the government’s recommended treatment, and to acquire a supply of vaccine for medical staff and response workers.

From an international news release

ZAMBIA—Major Beryl Pierce, a Western Territory officer who has served in Zambia for over five years, stays busy as a social worker at the Chikankata Hospital along with overseeing five corps; one of these is a new opening. Two of her corps are working on building projects, and two others soon will be as well.

Pierce writes: “God continues to give me the strength to do all he is calling me to do and I am continually amazed how he equips me for each task.”

From the Facebook page for Beryl Pierce

JAPAN—The Salvation Army will hold a congress of thanksgiving over the weekend of Nov. 20, 2010, celebrating the Army’s 115 years in this country, and anticipating its future ministry. Special guests will be Chief of the Staff Commissioner Barry Swanson and World Secretary for Women’s Ministries Commissioner Sue Swanson.

From www.salvationarmy.or.jp/index_english.html

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