57: Will you replicate or evolve in crisis with Krysta Masciale

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In a crisis, you get to choose: Replicate or evolve.

That’s the headline of Krysta Masciale’s Caring Magazine article, which details the critical questions to ask in the slow-paced middle ground of refining.

And in case you were wondering, that’s where we are right now. 

She doesn’t offer a task list of busyness or a one-size-fits-all solution to making the most out of this time we find ourselves in. Rather, she asks, how can we let the full truth we’re discovering reveal what matters most to us? 

Krysta guides brands and leaders through the process of creating meaning and connection with shared vision and language.

You might remember her from episode 16 on how to define and communicate your core values.

She’s back on the podcast now to reflect on this middle ground of refining and the critical questions we can ask about who we are and who we need to become if we’re to evolve.

Show highlights include:

  • Crisis has a way of revealing the truth. In this COVID-19 pandemic, you may be impressed by what you’re capable of and disappointed at being unprepared for another fork in the road.
  • This conversation: How can we let the full truth we’re discovering reveal what matters most to us? 
  • Behaviors are rooted in what we believe to be true about ourselves and, consequently, the world around us. 
  • This disconnect between what we say and how we behave is rooted in a misalignment of values.
  • A lot of us are finding that the person we needed to be in order to survive out there isn’t consistent with the person we’ve become as we get to know ourselves more intimately in the confines of our homes.
  • What I know to be true is that most of us are at a crossroads now, that we’re itching for some familiarity in the uncertainty of what lies ahead. We can either replicate or evolve.
  • People who are constantly evolving see crises as transitions.
  • The pathway to that evolution lies in the messy, slow-paced middle ground of refining, including five practical steps.

Good words from Krysta Masciale in this show:

“For the purposes of this conversation, my goal isn’t to give you a task list that will busy you into numbness or provide a one-size-fits-all solution to making the most out of this time. We both know those pathways will ultimately lead us back to square one the next time life throws us a curve ball if we don’t consider the opportunity we’ve been presented right here at the lingering intersection where all paradoxes seem to live. That’s what this conversation is about: How can we let the full truth we’re discovering reveal what matters most to us?”

“Who we were was familiar. We had a system for it that served us in the world we found ourselves navigating every day. A lot of us are finding that the person we needed to be in order to survive out there isn’t consistent with the person we’ve become as we get to know ourselves more intimately in the confines of our homes.”

“The pathway to that evolution lies in the messy, slow-paced middle ground of refining. We’re all sitting smack in the middle of that opportunity right now. It’s gross. It’s uncomfortable. It’s confusing. It’s paralyzing. The critical questions asked in the refining phase are geared around bridging the gap between who you are and who you need to become if you’re to evolve.”

“When we emerge from this crisis, I want you to be able to look yourself in the mirror and see the person you’ve been waiting for all along. Let’s be the kind of people who remind those around us what they’re capable of.”

“The pathway to our own evolution through a crisis lies in the messy, slow-paced middle ground of refining. This place needs to become a part of your routine. It’s not a place we visit only once, which is why these five practical steps may now come in handy.”

Additional resources:

Download this episode wherever you get your podcasts. Find show notes for this episode and more at caringmagazine.org/podcast.  Connect with Krysta Masciale on Instagram.

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