Do Gooders Podcast 16 Krysta Masciale

16: How to define and communicate your core values with Krysta Masciale

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What are your core values? Do you know?

Can you put four or five specific words to them and explain the way those values show up in your life?

As Krysta Masciale says, any brand is the promise of an experience. On a personal level, is that experience consistent? Will anyone who interacts with you say the same thing about who you are?

Krysta is the CMO of LumaForge, a technology company in Los Angeles, where she leads the way in brand awareness, content creation and strategic partnerships.

It’s a role she came into after years as CEO of brand agency B!G DEAL BRANDING, which led the way in strategic design and messaging for both small creative organizations and multi-billion dollar corporations.

And she’ll tell you that just as a company does, defining our personal core values is a way of establishing and consistently reinforcing who we are and what we stand for—beyond any current job title.

But owning our values takes clarity, commitment and communication—and in this episode, Krysta offers best practices for it all.

How to Define and Communicate Core Values Krysta MascialeShow highlights include:

  • What is communication? Powerful tool to unify and mobilize people to do good.
  • What makes for good communication? Words describe what someone is experiencing, feeling or thinking.
  • Branding fundamentals: Can you actively and accurately communicate and connect with people through language?
  • Vision, focus and commitment: Daily grind and unsexy part of what it takes to manage a brand.
  • Personal brand and online space: Live your life and be real, not a highlight reel for people not in your real life.
  • Companies’ core values: Some sell a bill of goods to consumers, at the expense of employees.
  • It’s up to you to define, but not compromise, personal core values to gain perspective and make decisions.
  • Best practices:
    • Create definition of words that describe your core values.
    • Read “Dare to Lead.”
    • Focus less on your role as an employee or job title.
    • Identify what you want from your online presence.
    • Communicate personal core values through your daily behavior.
  • What do you do? I’m passionate about… Lead with your values, not your job description.
  • Krysta’s advice for churches/churchgoers owning their core values: Get back to the basics, talk less and listen more.

Good words from Krysta Masciale in this show:

“There’s something really freeing about having the right words to express what you’re feeling.”

“I define brand as the promise of an experience.”

“You can’t impose your personal values on other people. It forces other people to compromise.”

“We are living in a time where I don’t know what’s real, and I don’t know what’s honest and true.”

Additional resources:

Download this episode wherever you get your podcasts. Find show notes for this episode and more at Connect with Krysta Masciale on Instagram.

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