Frontlines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner –

Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 42: 10 (The Message)

Open house at the Red Shield
The Red Shield Corps is located in the poorest, neediest area in South Modesto, Calif. “Children walk through underdeveloped neighborhoods, unpaved streets and graffiti-covered walls to reach our facility,” said Corps Officer Captain Paula Wild, who serves with her husband, Captain Roy Wild. Each year the Red Shield opens its doors to the community for a fun-filled day of events, bringing in over 400 families. They provide information about the community center and the Army’s church programs, while outside groups bring informational flyers and offer services. “This year Kaiser Hospital offered flu shots for only $5; however, no one was turned away who couldn’t pay,” said Wild. The Sunbeams, Girl Guards and Adventure Corps participate by wearing their uniforms and reciting their pledge during the lunchtime activities.

Cascade holds retreat
Fifty-six young adults from the Cascade Division recently gathered in Portland, Ore., for a weekend of spiritual renewal, fellowship, and fun with special guests Commissioners James and Ruth Osborne, divisional leaders. During the weekend, with the theme “I’ll fight!” the Osbornes challenged the youth to fight Satan and to fight problems in this world. In all, 12 sought Christ and six committed to officership.

Reardon earns Masters
Captain Amy Reardon, Northwest Division Christian Education Director, has earned a Master of Arts in Theology degree, with a concentration in Biblical Studies and Theology, from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. Congratulations, Captain!

So. Calif. men ‘build the kingdom’
One hundred seventy-five men from the So. Calif. Division gathered at Camp Mt. Crags and Camp Gilmore to work on “Building the Kingdom.” The goal was to encourage the men with fellowship, teambuilding and unique faith-building experiences. In the process, the camp was given an extreme makeover! Close to $10,000 in materials were purchased to do the job: projects includes repairing a fence, building two foot bridges, erecting a gate, installing a waterfall and pond, and more. Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Paul Bollwahn offered a strong message on Sunday that related the men’s work at camp to their roles as God’s workers.

McKinley breaks world record
The Salvation Army’s 2007 Red Kettle campaign raised $557,000, thanks to the generosity of the El Paso County, Colo., community. Highlights of the campaign included volunteer Matt McKinley, who broke a world record and raised $1,700 by staffing a kettle for 34 hours in a row. “Once again the goodness and generosity of the people of El Paso County has come through,” said Major Don Gilger, El Paso County Coordinator.

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