Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann WarnerWith all the rain we’ve had in Los Angeles lately, I’ve started to empathize with Noah–you have to admire the faith of someone who followed orders to build a big boat in the middle of nowhere in preparation for a flood (Genesis 6-9)–and then was shut inside with all those animals while it rained for 40 days and nights…

Seems like Noah’s faith and works went hand-in-hand–like that of faithful Salvationists throughout the West:

Spend less, eat well, feel better!
Hawaii’s “Spend Less. Eat Well. Feel Better,”run by Family Services, is seeing success in helping people become more independent. The two-part educational program teaches Salvation Army clients how to manage their financial resources, how to make appropriate decisions about food and nutrition, and how to make proper shopping choices. Some 200 people have attended the workshops. Chad Buchanan is program coordinator and Kaui Asing is the program manager. The program has received funding from the University of California-Davis to do more extensive research on its effectiveness.

Kona community clinic
Thanks to the benevolence of a benefactor whose heirs requested that his identity remain anonymous, The Salvation Army opened its primary health clinic to residents who have no or poor access to health care in Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. According to then Kona Corps Officer Captain Mona McRevy, it took about two and a half years to plan and develop the clinic. Dr. Kevin Kunz, the clinic’s medical director and part-time physician, received special recognition for his volunteer work to help establish the new health care program.

Partners in Holiness
The 2001 Christian Holiness Partnership (CHP) International Convention will be held April 17-19 in Colorado Springs at the Sheraton Hotel. Commissioner John Busby, National Commander, will speak at The Salvation Army Denominational Breakfast on Wednesday. Major Steve Owen, Colorado Springs/El Paso County Coordinator, is serving as Secretary on the CHP Conference Steering Commit-tee. The Army will be responsible for all publicity and registration for the conference, which has the theme “Hope Through Biblical Holiness.”

Divisional leadership institutes
Long Beach, CA, was the site of recent Southern California divisional leadership institutes. More than 100 were present from the division’s Spanish speaking congregations. In Pomona, CA, there was an institute with Bell Shelter. Thanks go to Carl Darby, Captain Mario Reyes, Majors Jim and (Dr.) Sallyann Hood, and Captains Oscar and Brendy Juracan for hosting and making it all possible.

Clothes for kids
In San Francisco, the Army will distribute free new pre-school clothes to children of low-income families on April 11 and 12 at its 520 Jessie Street Service Center. Distribution is for San Francisco residents, by appointment, and only children age infant to four years are eligible.

Fellowship of poets
We’ve just been informed of a website for Christian poets, poetry lovers, pastors and teachers. The Fellowship of Christian Poets wants visitors at their website:

As host of the largest Christian poetry library in the world, they are adding over 100 new poems each month. There are contests, CD anthologies, feature articles, and a webstore full of books and other educational materials. They report over 88,000 visits to date.

The best thing: it’s all free.

Commissioning website
Western Territory Webmaster John Docter reports there is a new website for Commissioning Weekend. Check it out:

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