Green appointed to International Doctrine Council

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Dr. Roger Green has been accepted by General John Gowans as the first non-officer Salvationist member of the International Doctrine Council.

Green is professor and chair of Biblical and Theological Studies at Gordon College in Wenham, Mass. He will attend his first meetings of the Doctrine Council this month at the William Booth Memorial Training College in London.

Dr. Green is well known as a writer, his most recent book being Catherine Booth: a Biography of the Co-founder of The Salvation Army. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary; a Master of Theology degree from Princeton Theological seminary, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Boston College.

He and his wife, Karen, are active soldiers at the Old Orchard Beach Citadel in the Eastern Territory.

The International Doctrine Council currently comprises the following members: Colonel Earl Robinson, chair (IHQ), Colonel Benita Robinson, secretary (IHQ), Colonel Gudrun Lydholm (Finland), and Major Christine Parkin (UK). Colonel Phil Needham, Western chief secretary, serves as a corresponding member. It is anticipated that other appointments will be made to the council to include members from other parts of the world not represented on the council at present.

The Doctrine Council has completed its work on the new Handbook of Doctrine, Salvation Story, and the recently published Salvation Story Study Guide. The council is working on two major projects in accordance with its ongoing mandate. The first is an expansion of a paper written at the request of The Salvation Army International Leaders’ Conference of 1995 entitled Towards a Salvationist Theology of Spiritual Leadership. This is being renamed A Salvationist Theology of the Ministry of the Whole People of God. The intention is to produce a publication that will provide an additional resource to Chapter 10 of Salvation Story, and to the findings of the recent Commission on Officership, by focusing on all members of the body of Christ being involved in Christian ministry.

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