As Holy Week approaches, we’re excited to announce a special four-part podcast series that invites you to experience the journey to Easter in a profound and meaningful way.
With insightful biblical teaching and compassionate perspective, College for Officer Training at Crestmont Training Principal Major Dr. Terry Masango is guiding us through key Gospel narratives that illuminate Jesus’ heart for the lost, the broken and those on the margins of society.
A journey through Scripture
This carefully curated series takes us through four essential stories that reveal different facets of Christ’s character and mission:
1. The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)
“Suppose one of you has 100 sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the 99 in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?”
In this opening message, Masango explores the lengths to which our Good Shepherd will go to find those who have strayed. Through the parable of the lost sheep, we discover a God who actively searches for us, who places immense value on each individual soul and who celebrates when we are found.
2. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
The second installment challenges our definition of “neighbor” and calls us to cross boundaries with radical compassion. Drawing parallels to the inspiring story of Father Damien who served in a leper colony on Molokai, Masango reminds us that real love doesn’t keep its distance—it draws close, notices the hurting and is willing to be inconvenienced.
3. Jesus, Remember Me (Luke 23:39-43)
“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
As we approach the cross, we witness one of the most powerful exchanges in Scripture between Jesus and the thief crucified beside him. This message speaks directly to those who feel unworthy or beyond redemption, reminding us that it’s never too late to turn to Christ with a simple plea: “Remember me.”
4. The Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
“Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day.”
The series culminates with the ultimate victory—the resurrection that changed everything. Masango helps us move beyond the pain of Good Friday to discover the joy and power of Easter morning, challenging us not to remain at the cross but to press forward to the empty tomb.
More than just listening
This Holy Week, we’re offering more than just sermons to hear. We’re inviting you to engage with the story of Jesus in multiple ways:
Journey with Jesus: A Guided Holy Week Art Journal
To complement this sermon series, we’re excited to offer a free downloadable Holy Week Art Journal that brings the Easter story to life in a uniquely immersive way.
Have you ever experienced a passion play? These theatrical productions, dating back before the Reformation in the 1500s, have drawn audiences into the last week of Jesus’ life for centuries across Europe and eventually around the globe. Their enduring popularity comes from their ability to transform Scripture from words on a page into a lived experience that engages both heart and mind.
It’s this same principle—connecting Scripture to emotion—that makes our Holy Week Art Journal so powerful for families.
As parents, we pray that our children will know not only the truth of God’s Word but the beauty of a living relationship with Jesus. Creative responses to Scripture help form new neural pathways in our brains, strengthening these vital connections between knowledge and emotion.
The Holy Week Art Journal will guide your family on an immersive journey from Palm Sunday to Easter, inviting participants to respond creatively each day:
- Draw faces in the crowd watching Jesus enter Jerusalem
- Write a newspaper article about Jesus turning tables in the temple
- Imagine the setting of the Last Supper
- Reflect on the landscape around Jesus’ tomb
- Follow Jesus’ path on a map of Jerusalem, marking each significant event
- Engage with daily Scripture readings and prayer prompts
Each day, children (and adults!) will imagine themselves in the very places Jesus walked, hearing his last words to his disciples, friends and even his persecutors. They’ll create artistic responses that help them process and internalize these profound stories.
Journeying with Jesus is a lifelong endeavor that requires both our minds and our hearts. This Holy Week, help your family integrate knowledge with emotion through this beautiful creative resource.
Download your free copy here by simply entering your email address.
Join us on this Journey
Whether you’re a longtime believer or someone simply curious about the significance of Easter, this series offers fresh insights into the revolutionary love of Jesus Christ. Each message builds upon the last, creating a meaningful pathway through Holy Week that will deepen your understanding and appreciation of what Easter truly means.
The podcast series begins March 24 with a new episode released each Monday leading up to Easter. You can also join The Salvation Army for worship at the location nearest you.
As Masango reminds us in this series, Jesus consistently sought those on the fringes—the lost, the hurting, the rejected. This Holy Week, may we all experience the transformative power of being found, healed, remembered and raised to new life through Christ.
Will you walk with Jesus this Holy Week?