Tucson ARC Begins Recovery Service

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Southwest Division

NEW BEGINNINGS–Tucson ARC administrators Captains John and Katherine Reed and Chaplain Jim Wilson (R) join new ARC Adherents.


As a result of an on-going Adherents class established last fall at the Tucson, Ariz., Adult Recovery Center (ARC), 10 new adherents have been enrolled.

Captain John R. Reed, administrator, teaches the class, which now has a membership of 17 beneficiaries.

“The Tucson ARC has established a Recovery Worship Service following the regular Sunday morning worship service for beneficiaries who wish to attend, along with their guests from 12-step programs throughout the city,” said Reed.

“Though it is only a few months old, it is averaging 25 to 30 participants each week.” Reed and his wife, Captain Katherine Reed, are trusting this number will continue to grow.

Chaplain Jim Wilson (R) also hosts a prayer breakfast each Sunday before Chapel for those wishing to attend.

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