Salvation Army in Canada addresses bullying

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Over one million children in Canada are bullied at least once a week, but today Canadians are being encouraged to wear pink shirts to symbolize support for them and raise awareness of the issue.

In the spirit of the Pink Shirt Day campaign, The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory is highlighting local Salvation Army programs helping to steer youth in a positive direction for life.

For example, Canada’s Red Cap anger management program, geared toward eight to 12-year-olds, teaches children how to deal with emotional and behavioral responses to stressful situations. It runs as a lunch time or after-school club for about one-and-a-half hours over a period of eight to 10 weeks, according to Valerie Pavey, The Salvation Army’s children’s ministry consultant.

Sandra Reid, community children’s outreach worker, said she sees a huge need for initiatives that address bullying.

“Once kids open up about why they are angry, it usually has to do with bullying,” Reid said. “The Red Cap program not only teaches the victims of bullying how to respond to and understand their emotions, it addresses comments and situations that many kids don’t recognize as bullying, such as not including others or spreading rumors.”

Based on feedback from parents and teachers, Reid said the program is making a difference and children are responding well.

“Kids aren’t as disruptive on the playground or in class,” Reid said. “The strategies they’ve learned are being passed on to friends, parents and siblings who are coping better with anger issues. That’s success.”

From The Salvation Army in Canada

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