Three EDS Volunteers

Salvation Army General gives thanks on International Volunteer Day

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General Brian Peddle, the international leader of The Salvation Army, released a tribute to the many thousands of volunteers who serve others through the movement in 131 countries in marking the United Nations annual International Volunteer Day Dec. 5. His personal message is one of thanks to those who “wake up ready and willing to say ‘yes,’ no matter how small or great the task.”

International Volunteer Day is held each Dec. 5 as a unique chance for volunteers and organizations to celebrate their efforts, to share their values, and to promote their work among their communities, non-governmental organizations, United Nations agencies, government authorities and the private sector.

In the short film, Peddle reflects on the diverse ways in which volunteers meet human needs without discrimination.

“With your heart of service, you are preparing to stare down injustice and bring healing and hope where it is needed most,” he said.

The General references fires, floods and storms that have affected parts of the USA, Caribbean and Australia in the past 12 months. “When natural disasters strike, you are willing to drop everything and mobilize to help,” he said. “You responded, and you did it in so many beautiful ways…showing the care and compassion that people desperately needed.”

The message also highlights work being undertaken by trained volunteers in the United Kingdom. “Resolute volunteers, giving up their sleep to urgently and carefully transport survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking, getting them to safe houses and helping them to start the healing process.”

Peddle concludes with his thanks. 

“Thank you for playing your part. I pray that today and all days that you are blessed, because we are blessed by you,” he said.


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