S.A. holds ‘Battle School’ in Russia

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Soldiers become warriors at The Salvation Army’s Battle School in Rostov on Don, Russia. The school seeks to train and equip Salvation Army soldiers in deepening their walk with God, developing a passion for the lost, and learning what it means to be a soldier in the Army. The three-month program stresses spiritual development and outward acts of service. Time is split between classes, worship, and service in local corps programs.

Class topics range from how to study the Bible to Salvation Army history. Programs in the local corps range from feeding the homeless to visiting a local children’s hospital. Community living is the environment of the school, and students’ variation in age and culture creates many opportunities to grow and learn.

Students mainly come from the Russia/CIS Command, but the program is also open to international students. The students in the fall ’99 session represented the countries of Russia, Moldova, Latvia, Germany, Canada and the U.S. On successful completion of the Battle School, students receive a certificate of graduation.

The final requirement is that the students spend two months following the school in their home corps or an Army program to practice skills learned during their time at the school.

For information regarding the Battle School, please E-mail the school’s director at: Battle_School@chat.ru

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