‘Project Warsaw’ launched

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Army begins work in 111th country.


The Salvation Army recently opened its doors in Poland, under the title “Project Warsaw”—making Poland the 111th country where the Army is officially at work.

“We aim to build an Army of dedicated Salvationists, ready to move out, save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity,” said Major Hervé Cachelin, training officer from International Headquarters.

The new opening follows just a few days after Salvation Army work in Lithuania—under the care of the Germany Territory—received official recognition.

Newly commissioned Captains Andrei and Olga Iniutocichin were installed as the coordinating officers, and the first Polish soldiers were enrolled. With the assistance of a brass ensemble from Exeter Corps (United Kingdom), open air meetings occurred in Warsaw to celebrate the opening. Links between Poland and the Exeter Corps were established from aid work carried out over many years by Exeter Salvationist Brian Hart.

Supported by Colonel Vibeke Krommenhoek (France), the captains are under the direction of an International Headquarters’ team including Colonel Krommenhoek (leader), Lt. Colonels Dan and Helen Starrett, Major Cachelin, and Major Kelly Pontsler.

Lt. Colonels Starrett and Major Pontsler are Western officers with international assignments; look for their comments, along with more information on the opening in Poland, in the Thanksgiving edition of New Frontier.
—From a Salvationist report by Claire Anderson

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