National EDS website launched

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New website is home of Salvation Army Disaster Radio.

by Christin Davis –

A new national EDS website——provides information about the Army’s EDS program in all four territories, donations information, National Disaster Training Program course descriptions, training calendars and access to create or view online volunteer profiles. Enhancements are added almost weekly, so log on and check out what’s new!

The website is also home to Salvation Army Disaster Radio, a bi-weekly podcast covering all things related to Salvation Army disaster services and emergency management. Listening to a podcast is like listening to a radio interview, just on the Internet. You can listen to it any time you want, without any special software—just go to the appropriate website and choose the podcast you want to hear.

Two of the podcasts’ rotating hosts, Jeff Jellets and Christie Sutton, agree that it’s amazing what you can find out just by interviewing people. For example, they discovered how a young couple’s immigration from Great Britain to Halifax, Canada, over 60 years ago opened the door for The Salvation Army to serve refreshments at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver! Recently, they spoke with Major Fernando Martinez, who just returned from Chile. He describes the resiliency of the Chilean people after the powerful earthquake, and the desperate need they continue to have.

Podcasts are released every two weeks—20 are already available on the website. Some of the podcasters’ favorites are an interview with Major Tom Louden about his days in Haiti after the recent earthquake, a conversation with Canadian Salvationists about how they supported the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and an interview with Bob Myers about urban disaster response. As a special bonus, a few video podcasts are also available.

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