National Commander asks public for help

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The devastating scenes of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita remind us all in The Salvation Army of our organization’s link to the many, many storm-related tragedies that we have been called upon to respond and to serve those in need. Since the 1900 hurricane in Galveston, The Salvation Army has been at the scene of every major disaster in America, and the support of the American public has never been as strong as it is the wake of Katrina, and now Rita.

Your donations touch at the very essence of the Army’s Mission – to help those in need in God’s name, without discrimination. A storm sees no faces and leaves lives that must be rebuilt, step by step. The donations received thus far will help the many thousands so greatly affected by these storms, and we are humbled and thankful for the generosity of so many. To date, you have entrusted the Army with more than $160 million from our web site, telephone donations, corporate donations and letters sent directly to Army offices––a stewardship responsibility that we take very seriously.

Yet, the work has barely begun. While our efforts, with your support, have helped our Army colleagues give aid and comfort to more than 500,000 people during the past month, the road ahead will be a long one. Your ability to donate directly to benefit the Army’s overall hurricane relief efforts is possible through Money donated in that manner provides the Army with the opportunity to utilize funds for overall disaster relief needs. Donations made directly to Hurricane Katrina storm relief will be used for that purpose; and if donors wish to designate their donations for Hurricane Rita, the dollars will be used accordingly. You can be confident that the donations will be spent to do the most good where the need is greatest.

Thank you, on behalf of The Salvation Army.

Commissioner W. Todd Bassett
National Commander
The Salvation Army

Photo by Ron Londen–Journey Group

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