How to join the International Women’s Day conversation

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It’s #InternationalWomensDay—a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women that’s been celebrated for more than 100 years.

The day also marks a call to action for moving toward gender parity.

Did you know:

Globally, women make up just 23 percent of people in national parliaments worldwide.  

Women, on average, earn 25-40 percent less than men who do the same job.  

Across the world, 60 percent of the people who cannot read are women.

Here’s 5 simple ways to get involved in the conversation today:

1. Read The Salvation Army’s international positional statement on sexism.

It reads, in part: “The Salvation Army believes that both male and female are made in the image of God and are equal in value.

“We are committed to model the equitable valuing, equipping and mobilizing of men and women, and will speak into societies around the world where sexism exists.”

2. Watch this video about the theme for this year’s celebration, #ChooseToChallenge, and use it to start a conversation with someone you know: #ChooseToChallenge  

As the organizers say, “a challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let’s all choose to challenge.”

3. Consider who inspires you and why. Write a letter and mail it today, thanking that woman for her influence on your life.

If you have a child, download the “All About My Role Model” activity and complete the booklet together talking about the important women in your lives.

4. Share quotes from inspiring women, like this one: “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” —Harriet Tubman

5. Listen to a podcast to learn from an inspiring woman, like this one from the Do Gooders Podcast on how to restore dignity through kindness with Ashlee Eiland.

As she says, “Kindness keeps the other person’s humanity intact regardless if their opinion matches ours or not.”

Today, you can choose to challenge: Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.

Do Good:

  • Choose one item from the list to do today—then send it to a friend and ask them to join you in the International Women’s Day conversation. 
  • Did you know The Salvation Army served more than 23 million Americans last year fighting hunger, homelessness, substance abuse and more—all in a Fight for Good? Where can you help? Take our quiz to find your cause and learn how you can join in today.
  • Give to support the Fight for Good in your community.
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