How do you index need?

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It’s sort of like having some great photos on your phone. What do you do with them all? And if you’re posting them on social media, how do you make sure they represent the best version of yourself?

The Salvation Army had a similar issue surrounding statistics that are collected around the country. The impact the Army has in the communities in which it serves is documented once a year in annual reports, and yet there are so many variables, so much information that could be more effectively leveraged to tell the Army’s story. But how?

So, the Army and Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy worked to create the Human Needs Index (HNI)—the first comprehensive, multi-dimensional measure of poverty in the United States from the nonprofit perspective. The monthly data going back to 2004 illuminates trends in poverty and vulnerability and offers a critical new tool for policymakers, social services providers and researchers.

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