General visits South America East Territory

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New member of Order of the Founder admitted during the visit.

General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women’s Ministries, visited the South America East Territory for a territorial congress, where they worshiped with more than 1,000 Salvationists and potentially a far greater online and TV audience. They met government and other officials, led the congress and admitted Sergeant Iván José Demitre to the Order of the Founder–The Salvation Army’s highest honor.

The Coxes arrived in Rosário, Argentina, to a greeting by Salvationists, a brass band and folk dancers. Rosário mayor, Dr. Mónica Fein, received the General and Commissioner Cox at her office to personally welcome them to the city.

¡Adelante, hay Victoria! (Go on, go on to victory!), the territorial congress, took place at the Centro Metropolitano in Rosário, with more than 1,000 delegates attending from Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay–the three countries that make up The Salvation Army’s South America East Territory. The program included three main sessions, a women’s gathering, a youth rally and a men’s rally. During the festival of praise, representatives from the different countries and regions presented various art forms including  timbrels, dancing, drums and drama.  

During the final congress meeting, General Cox enrolled 40 senior soldiers and Commissioner Cox enrolled 13 junior soldiers. The General reminded the new soldiers that they were not just soldiers of The Salvation Army but–more importantly–soldiers of Jesus Christ.

The meeting included a surprise admittance to the Order of the Founder: Sergeant Iván José Demitre of Patricios Corps in the Buenos Aires Division received the honor in recognition of his long service and exceptional dedication to the work of The Salvation Army in the South America East Territory, where he has directed the musical “Spirit” annually for more than 20 years.

While in Rosário the General and Commissioner Cox conducted a television interview with Canal Luz, a ministry of IEMA (Iglesia Evangelica Misionera Argentina–Evangelical Missionary Church of Argentina), which broadcast the entire territorial congress live via the internet and multiple television stations across Central and South America. The General also preached at the closing meeting of IEMA’s own 32nd anniversary celebration.

In Buenos Aires the international leaders met with the Vice President of Argentina, Gabriela Michetti, and the South African Ambassador to Argentina, Ms. Zenani Mandela-Dlamini (youngest daughter of former South African President Nelson Mandela). The General also met with CALIR (the Argentine Council on Religious Freedom), the Territorial Advisory Board and the Buenos Aires Rotary Club.

Also during their time in Buenos Aires, the General received an honorary doctorate degree from  UCES (University of Business and Social Sciences), in recognition of his “work in the areas of finance and management in The Salvation Army, as well as for his contribution to the cause of international humanitarian aid.” In addition, the Buenos Aires City Legislature declared him an official “Guest of Honor to the City of Buenos Aires.”

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