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Elsewhere in the world


SOUTH AFRICA—In late January, in Johannesburg, The Salvation Army and BE HEARD, an organization with 10 years experience in operating anonymous tip-off services, launched 08000-RESCUE—a 24-hour toll-free helpline for victims and members of the public to report human trafficking.

The Salvation Army and other cooperating organizations will provide victims with support and a safety net structure.

Recently, The Salvation Army opened the Beth Shan Shelter in Pretoria for abused women and victims of human trafficking.

The Army approximates 450,000 of the two million people trafficked each year are in Africa. They are exploited for prostitution, forced labor or for their body organs. South Africa has an estimated 50,000 child prostitutes.

“We therefore have the responsibility, both individually and collectively, to work for the liberation of those who have been enslaved in this manner, and to establish the legal and social mechanisms by which human trafficking can be stopped,” said Major Marieke Venter, national coordinator of The Salvation Army Anti-Human Trafficking Task Team.

From South Africa: The Good News (www.sagoodnews.co.za)

ESTONIA—Captains Daniel and Anya Henderson, Western Territory officers serving in Estonia, report that their attendance in the Tallinn International Rotary Club and their efforts to strengthen the Estonia Advisory Board have brought positive results. The CFO for the SEB Bank Estonia, one of two main banks in the country, linked the Army with top executives of Maxima Supermarkets, a major store chain in the Baltic region.

Maxima agreed to assist the Army with its Angel Tree project at all locations of its Maxima XX stores in Tartu and Narva. They also conducted a mass mailing of 300,000 advertising flyers in mid-December that provided exposure of the Army’s name, service to the poor and motto—Heart to God, Hand to man—in most Estonian households.

Henderson plans to continue to build on these successful relationships—furthering the Army’s community outreach.

CANADA—In Trail, British Columbia, Kate’s Kitchen—a ministry of The Salvation Army Family Services—resembles an upscale café.

“We’re set up like a restaurant,” Linda Radtke, coordinator, said. “We serve on real china, have placemats and flowers on our tables and framed photos on the wall, and the food is fresh and not something out of a can. Actually, this is one of the nicest restaurants in Trail.”

Named after Catherine Booth, Kate’s caters to mostly low-income people; the cost is 50 cents per meal or $5.00 per month. However, it’s open to any- and everyone, including those on welfare, the lonely and homeless youth with nowhere else to go.

Every food item served is made from scratch with the aid of 35 volunteers. The lunch menu includes sandwiches and casseroles, lasagna, burgers and hot dogs. Once a week, an evening meal offers roast pork, chicken, turkey or roast beef.

The eatery serves from 40 to 70 people during lunchtime and 50 to 100 at dinner.

“Our motive behind everything we do is our love for the Lord—our faith-based background permeates everything we do. We go the extra mile,” Radtke said.

From Salvationist.ca, Feb. 2010


DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO—The Salvation Army’s territorial headquarters here has asked for prayer for the Kinshasa, Binza Corps. Their new, two-year old officers’ quarters was lost in a landslide. The adjacent corps building is also in danger. The USA Western Territory’s Southwest Division provided funds and work on the quarters.

From the Western Territory’s Call to Prayer, Jan. 21, 2010

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