Elsewhere in the world

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AUSTRALIA—The Salvation Army teamed up with the city of Sydney and the Property Industry Foundation (PIF) to refurbish a former inner-city health center into a seven-occupant facility for homeless young people.

The city of Sydney contributed the property and $250,000 for essential compliance works; PIF performed the renovation; and The Salvation Army will provide 24-hour support through two house “parents” from the Oasis Youth Support Network.

From War Cry, Australia

FIJI—This spring, the Fiji Division’s first ever mother/daughter officers’ retreat took place in Deuba, featuring guest speaker Major Maureen Ashton, Central Taranaki corps officer.

The teaching centered on Queen Esther. “Her life in the palace of King Xerxes brought similar challenges to what we go through as officers,” said Major Litiana Cola, divisional director for women’s ministries in Fiji.

On the final day, the annual women’s rally collected more than $4,000 in territorial project money for the Army’s work in Athens, Greece.

From War Cry, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory


RWANDA and BURUNDI—The Rwanda and Burundi Territory operates seven preschools. The Rubirizi, Rubuye and Runda sites, established in the last six months, are already seeing enrollment numbers of more than 50 children.

Despite limited finances and space, the teachers and corps officers are implementing a vision of a great future for the children. Plans are forming for dance competitions, new buildings, soccer tournaments and teacher conferences.

From World Missions Perspectives


CANADA—Calgary’s Glenmore Temple Band participated in the 100th birthday celebrations of the Calgary Stampede, an annual rodeo, exhibition and festival. The band is the longest serving one in the stampede parade. Ontario’s Peterborough Temple Band joined for the parade and other festivities.

As 100 Salvationists—including flag bearers, banner carriers, band members and timbrelists—marched, the crowd of 400,000 people lining the streets cheered and sang along to “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory.” Many called out greetings and others shouted thanks for the Army’s work throughout the year.

From salvationist.ca


U.K./MALAWI—Writer and broadcaster Rhidian Brook presented the Radio 4 appeal for The Salvation Army International Development (SAID UK) to raise funds for the Army’s Anti-Child Trafficking Center in Mchinji, Malawi. The center cares for up to 120 children a year who have been rescued from trafficking, providing a safe and caring environment for recovery.

Listen to the appeal at https://ow.ly/cALAG.

from salvatonarmy.org.uk

Latin America North Territory looks to the future

Latin America North Territory looks to the future

  Territorial leaders plan comprehensive fundraising program

Key characteristics of The Salvation Army

Key characteristics of The Salvation Army

By Robert Docter Oh…this Army…and its uniforms…and its tambourines…and

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